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4 min read

Podcast That Bridges the Gap Between Business and Technology

By Denes Purnhauser on Jun 10, 2020

I have long been a huge podcast fan. I listen when I drive, hike or while working out, but I had trouble finding something great to share with our MSP community. I told this to Adam Walter about a year ago and he took up the challenge. Now after hearing the 7th episode of his Humanize IT podcast, I decided to put out this blog for our audience to make sure the word got out. I love this new voice and narrative about how to differentiate, how to serve and how to run an MSP of the future. He has been interviewing the most forward thinking MSP leaders about how to make IT more human, how to drive great conversations and how to deliver business value to clients.

Check out the latest episodes here. Thanks to Adam for doing this for the community!

Topics: vCIO Virtual Chief Information Officer Adam Walter Skip Ziegler
9 min read

Accelerate Your Growth with the new features just released

By Denes Purnhauser on Oct 18, 2019

I am happy to introduce the sets of software features, updated templates, expert guide content and super specific programs to accelerate your growth! If your Account Management is not producing project revenues, your vCIO is not getting paid for advice, your Sales people are not getting leads or your cyber security services are not being sold then this release is for you! This is what we are going to cover:

  1. New Software Features for Growth
  2. Expert Guides for Growth
  3. Role Specific Programs for Growth
  4. Quarterly Sprints for Growth
Topics: vCIO IT Sales Person Business Building for IT Companies IT Account Management IT Client Engagement NIST Cyber Security Implement New IT Services Win New Clients Profitable Operations Technical Account Manager Skip Ziegler
