Every year Managed Services Platform publishes a report about the state of the vCIO. We summarize the experiences of the largest vCIO community in the world. We’re not just interested in the major trends in the technology space, but how those impacted the vCIO role and responsibilities.

Dr Peter Torbagyi
Recent posts by Dr Peter Torbagyi
6 min read
The State of the vCIO in 2020
By Dr Peter Torbagyi on Jan 7, 2021
Topics: vCIO Virtual CIO CIO Managed Services Platform
4 min read
Managed Services Platform Account Manager Report 2019
By Dr Peter Torbagyi on Dec 13, 2019
In our previous blog post, we reviewed how we typically see our vCIO community members from 2019, so now let’s look at another report regarding our other active community of more than 700 account managers that are working with us today.
Topics: IT Account Management Win New Clients Technical Account Manager Managed Services Platform
4 min read
Managed Services Platform vCIO Report 2019
By Dr Peter Torbagyi on Dec 6, 2019
Managed Services Platform's vCIO community has been growing year by year since 2014. In fact, we are most likely now the largest active vCIO community in the world with more than 600 members. With this news, we have decided to create a short report regarding how we typically see our vCIO members across the globe.
Topics: vCIO Virtual Chief Information Officer Virtual CIO CIO IT Client Engagement
3 min read
Packaging and Delivering Scalable vCIO Services
By Dr Peter Torbagyi on Oct 17, 2016
Carrie Simpson, Founder and CEO of Managed Sales Pros talked with Denes Purnhauser, CEO of ReframeYourClients, and shared the most common mistakes IT managed services providers make when it comes to building their vCIO offerings, and how you can increase your MRR with the correct approach.
Topics: vCIO Virtual Chief Information Officer MSP Virtual CIO Managed Services Platform
5 min read
Terrible buying process for Managed Services
By Dr Peter Torbagyi on Jun 10, 2016
People are talking about MSP sales processes when it comes to discussion of new client acquisition. I believe we should see the process from the customer's perspective and realize that the buying process for them is terrible. Given the current typical buying process, a working future strategic relationship is becoming less and less likely. Let's take a look why the process is broken and see if we can figure a fix.
There are three major underlying issues causing this trouble:
Topics: IT Sales Person Managed Services Providers MSP IT Consultative Sales
3 min read
Reporting vCIOs in the United States of America
By Dr Peter Torbagyi on Jul 17, 2015
After Canada, New Zealand, and Australia, we take a look at vCIOs in the United States. 70% of all registered Virtual CIOs operate in the USA. Because of this dominance the US vCIO trends are often difficult to separate from the international scene. When we talk about US trends, we are talking about the international trends at the same time.
Topics: vCIO Managed Services Providers Virtual Chief Information Officer Virtual CIO CIO
2 min read
Reporting vCIOs in Australia
By Dr Peter Torbagyi on Jul 10, 2015
As part of our work with companies in the process of implementing virtual CIO services we are interested in the general vCIO movement worldwide. So we’ve created a series of research discussions country by country.
Although the largest vCIO movement is resident in the U.S.A., we also observe distinct trends in other countries where the movement is under way. Having looked now at Canada and New Zealand, let's travel to Australia and see where the vCIOs reside down under.
Topics: vCIO Managed Services Providers Virtual Chief Information Officer Virtual CIO CIO
3 min read
Reporting vCIOs in New Zealand
By Dr Peter Torbagyi on Jul 2, 2015
As part of our work with companies in the process of implementing vCIO services we are interested in the general virtual CIO movement worldwide. So we’ve created a series of research discussions country by country.
Although the largest virtual CIO movement is driven by the US, we think it’s important to have a global perspective so we try to present trends of other countries where the movement is visible. After Canada, let's travel to New Zealand and see how the kiwi vCIOs live.
Topics: vCIO Managed Services Providers Virtual Chief Information Officer Virtual CIO CIO
2 min read
Reporting vCIOs in Canada
By Dr Peter Torbagyi on Jun 22, 2015
We work with a variety of companies that are implementing vCIO services, and think it’s important to have a perspective on the general vCIO movement worldwide. We have thus created a series of research country by country.
Although the largest vCIO movement is driven by the US, we are starting this series of analysis on our home soil. So let’s see how the Virtual CIO movement is doing in Canada.
Topics: vCIO Managed Services Providers Virtual Chief Information Officer Virtual CIO CIO
2 min read
MSP East vs West All Star Game
By Dr Peter Torbagyi on Jun 25, 2014
We have been producing a fair amount of research on the topic of MSPs offering vCIO services.
Because one of my colleagues is a great NBA fan, we’re now able to present the “MSP East vs. West all star” comparison.
Now we’re very sceptical guys, but since this is based on work with 591 IT managed services providers, we inclined to believe that this is a reasonable view of the real situation of the US Virtual CIO market.
But we like to be sure, and you could help us!
Topics: vCIO IT Management Virtual Chief Information Officer MSP Virtual CIO CIO
3 min read
Research: World of Virtual CIOs on LinkedIn
By Dr Peter Torbagyi on May 12, 2014
I was interested about the vCIO, vCTO, and Virtual Executive types of services. So my colleague Peter did some research on LinkedIn on the topic. Keep in mind everything herein is based on LinkedIn publicly accessible data...it’s interesting but there’s a limit to the depth of research you can do this way.So in general, I found that clearly the Virtual CIO industry is driven by the US. I can confirm this from personal experience, that American MSPs are much more comfortable with this term than European or even Canadian IT managed services providers.
- since 70% of vCIOs are hired by companies with under 200 employees, and 9% to large organizations (10,000+), there must be some local support need for interim or part-time high level IT executives.
- when looking at companies offering vCIO services, 97% have fewer than 50 employees and just over half (55%) have a staff roster of under 10.