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deliver scalable vcio services

 Carrie Simpson, Founder and CEO of Managed Sales Pros talked with Denes Purnhauser, CEO of ReframeYourClients, and shared the most common mistakes IT managed services providers make when it comes to building their vCIO offerings, and how you can increase your MRR with the correct approach.

The topics in this webinar were:

  • Why vCIO services are critical to keep clients engaged in the long run
  • The five biggest mistakes managed services providers are making with their vCIO services
  • Why service productization is the reliable way to scale a Managed Service Organization
  • How to make vCIO services scalable with service productization
  • Process of service productization
  • The right pricing model for MSP and vCIO services


Read More about Managed Sales Pros and cold calling best practices.



Delivering Business Focused QBRs

Delivering Business Focused QBRs


You would like to be a high-value business partner in your client’s eyes rather than a basic technology service provider. Your Quarterly Business Review process is a critical part of influencing their engagement up to a higher level. Watch this recorded webinar with our virtual CIO expert guide, Adam Walter, who has shared his 5 step process to make any technical QBR into a business-focused one.

6 Best Practices of Top Performing vCIOs

6 Best Practices of Top Performing vCIOs


Watch this interview with our virtual CIO expert guide, Adam Walter, to learn how to be more engaged with clients by finding best practices for becoming a trusted business advisor in 6 single steps.


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