This week's question: How do I become a virtual CIO when I'm “just a tech?” This week Denes and Myles Olson discuss a path to transition to the virtual CIO role. You may be more comfortable in the server room, but now you're needed in the boardroom.
3 min read
How to transition from the server room to the boardroom
By Myles Olson on Jul 29, 2015
Topics: vCIO IT Management Virtual Chief Information Officer MSP Virtual CIO CIO IT Consultative Sales
3 min read
Reporting vCIOs in the United States of America
By Dr Peter Torbagyi on Jul 17, 2015
After Canada, New Zealand, and Australia, we take a look at vCIOs in the United States. 70% of all registered Virtual CIOs operate in the USA. Because of this dominance the US vCIO trends are often difficult to separate from the international scene. When we talk about US trends, we are talking about the international trends at the same time.
Topics: vCIO Managed Services Providers Virtual Chief Information Officer Virtual CIO CIO
2 min read
Reporting vCIOs in Australia
By Dr Peter Torbagyi on Jul 10, 2015
As part of our work with companies in the process of implementing virtual CIO services we are interested in the general vCIO movement worldwide. So we’ve created a series of research discussions country by country.
Although the largest vCIO movement is resident in the U.S.A., we also observe distinct trends in other countries where the movement is under way. Having looked now at Canada and New Zealand, let's travel to Australia and see where the vCIOs reside down under.
Topics: vCIO Managed Services Providers Virtual Chief Information Officer Virtual CIO CIO
3 min read
Reporting vCIOs in New Zealand
By Dr Peter Torbagyi on Jul 2, 2015
As part of our work with companies in the process of implementing vCIO services we are interested in the general virtual CIO movement worldwide. So we’ve created a series of research discussions country by country.
Although the largest virtual CIO movement is driven by the US, we think it’s important to have a global perspective so we try to present trends of other countries where the movement is visible. After Canada, let's travel to New Zealand and see how the kiwi vCIOs live.
Topics: vCIO Managed Services Providers Virtual Chief Information Officer Virtual CIO CIO
2 min read
Reporting vCIOs in Canada
By Dr Peter Torbagyi on Jun 22, 2015
We work with a variety of companies that are implementing vCIO services, and think it’s important to have a perspective on the general vCIO movement worldwide. We have thus created a series of research country by country.
Although the largest vCIO movement is driven by the US, we are starting this series of analysis on our home soil. So let’s see how the Virtual CIO movement is doing in Canada.
Topics: vCIO Managed Services Providers Virtual Chief Information Officer Virtual CIO CIO
4 min read
The secret to making money for IT consultation
By Denes Purnhauser on Jun 19, 2015
We have been using a very basic management tool called the 10 Point Exercise, where the goal is to channel client issues into a defined consulting "product" rather than just having discussions pro-bono….getting people together to ask specific questions, getting everything out on the table and developing a plan. It’s easy to learn and it turns IT tech guys into business advisors in 20 minutes. Most importantly though it let them charge for their knowledge instead of giving it away. Let's see how...
Topics: vCIO Managed Services Providers IT Management Virtual Chief Information Officer MSP Virtual CIO CIO IT Consultative Sales
1 min read
Escape the free-advice MSP trap once and for all
By Myles Olson on Jun 19, 2015
Have you ever been asked for IT advice with the expectation that it comes free of charge, and even takes time away from your paying work? Of course you have. The moment it’s discovered that you know about technology you become the go-to guy for reliable “free” advice.
Topics: vCIO Managed Services Providers Virtual Chief Information Officer MSP Virtual CIO CIO
4 min read
Get out of the MSP commoditization trap
By Denes Purnhauser on Jun 12, 2015
One of the more common problems we see IT managed services providers suffer is increasing difficulty with the commoditization of services and differentiation within the industry. There are three factors involved here that we need to understand and manage to solve these problems.
Topics: vCIO IT Sales Person Managed Services Providers Business Building for IT Companies MSP Virtual CIO CIO
1 min read
What the heck is the MSP marketing funnel?
By Myles Olson on Jun 12, 2015
Denes and Myles discuss the top, middle and bottom of the MSP marketing funnel and how it relates to the buyer's journey through your marketing process. Understand what type of marketing works at the different levels. Follow these steps to learn how to define your buyer-personas so your marketing efforts directly target your ideal customers.
Topics: Inbound Marketing for IT Companies MSP Demand Generation for IT Companies Marketing for IT Companies
4 min read
Why do most professionals charge for advice while we MSPs do not?
By Denes Purnhauser on May 25, 2015
Isn't it a bit perplexing that doctors and lawyers can ask for $400 per hour for any and every consultation, but IT service providers are too shy to ask for $200 for their expert advice and often just give it for free? Why is the highest possible value MSPs give to the clients so devalued? Let's investigate this discrepancy and check out a couple quick tips for a solution. We are going to take a cue from Dentists.
Topics: vCIO IT Sales Person Virtual Chief Information Officer IT Sales MSP
3 min read
Convert a business problem to an IT problem with ease
By Denes Purnhauser on May 19, 2015
A basic truth of sales is that you need to associate your services and products with the pain-points of your customers, so that what you offer is thought of when those problems arise. IT managed services providers are selling high-level concepts when the client has manifesting pain-points: slow server, slow internet, outages, severe duty service, etc. But what can an MSP do for a client who doesn’t recognize the snags and hurdles they have? Let’s take a look at an easy 5 minute solution to this problem.
Topics: IT Sales Person Managed Services Providers IT Sales MSP Marketing for IT Companies IT Consultative Sales
4 min read
Proactive Customer Development: Leverage your QBRs
By Denes Purnhauser on May 5, 2015
Most IT managed services providers are quite proud of how proactive they are, especially in terms of technical services like maintenance, antivirus, warranty, etc. However, if we look at their client's IT savvy, operational maturity, and IT enablement, this is less true. Here are four easy tips to leverage Quarterly Business Reviews and implement the proactive mindset on a higher level.