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How Slack app can be a revenue generator for your MSP
By Denes Purnhauser on January 29 2016
Last week we went through how we can stop giving out free advice and making consultation a revenue generator. Let’s see that in practice. Our example today is Slack app, the latest silicon valley unicorn (1B+ valuation). Slack, in most cases, is a free tool designed to enhance your internal communication. So how can we as cloud service providers deliver value and earn revenue with this great tool.
Customer Segment Profile
First, we need to understand a problem most of our clients have. The sector of the industry we’re focusing on now is companies whose teams work together on processes, projects, and collaborating with both vendors and clients.
Jobs to be done: Like so many other aspects of modern life, most of them need to deliver more value with fewer resources.
Pains: Typically they communicate over email, getting 100 or more emails a day, without a clue as to how to handle this volume. They cc each other excessively just to keep everyone in the loop, and use a host of applications like Project Management, CRM, plus service automation, and so on. Even these are mostly cloud based, with no integration, so every one of these systems needs to be checked separately if they want the whole picture.
They’ll also try out new apps on a weekly basis in their search for solutions, install a few, run the 30 day trial, all while not having the time to properly evaluate them - and like Sisyphus’ rock they keep finding themselves at the bottom of the hill again.
Gains they are looking for: They want an overall improvement in their communication each other, vendors, and clients, so they can focus on their work instead of emails, and would love to get answers, reasonably quickly, from a system, application, or from each other regardless of location - in the car, office or at home.
But they’re already too busy...the last thing they need is the added task of creating this solution. What’s missing is someone to listen to their issues, understand them, figure a solution, and then not only implement it, but also train their people and support them in the learning curve so that they can get back to the business of their business.
We’ve observed that this is quite typical. even though we know the tools are out there...they just don’t get used or aren’t implemented and trained properly. That’s nothing new to us in IT: Owning tools is easy...finding the right one and using it properly is another matter.
Value Proposition Map
Discover how Slack with the proper consultation and implementation can help them achieve this communication improvement.
Gain Creators: As a product Slack helps teams communicate within a single space. This can happen in private channels, one to one communication, public channels, you name it, and it can manage topics according to need. It also integrates with thousands of applications, and so ususally gets the sought after information from disparate sources without logging into those applications. In essence it creates a unified platform for company-wide communication and replaces internal emails almost completely.
The tool is the first step. Also required however is the creation of the business case, context, and the process to properly implement it, training users, creating basic policies and enrolling the entire team and the company overall. Of course we could leave them to do all this on their own, but our value proposition is to make this process successful from the get-go. This is actually more important than the tool itself.
Pain Relievers: Teams are now working in all kinds of venues and access the information from a myriad of devices, anytime, and anywhere. They always have to share files and documents with each other. Even with cloud based file sharing it’s a time wasting task - to copy / paste the links, then use another app to send. Another problem is after sharing, nobody’s aligned on where the file came from, and have to re-check the email to access it again. Slack eliminates this speed-bump entirely, leaving the file in context, and with its robust search engine, one can find it easily with any other system of communication.
Still, most users will have questions, and Slack doesn’t have real one-on-one support that incorporates an understanding of their business’s rather more general help on features. Our support can fill this gap. We’ll often be able to offer our technical skills in integrating many other applications into Slack - a not so obvious task. We can be the ones to make those integrations work and enhance them over time.
Product & Services
The ultimate solution for the opportunities / problems of the client is a Slack Implementation Project.
- Needs assessment
- Project kickoff
- Implementation
- Project management
- Training
- Documentation
Because this implementation project is largely common among all who would have it, it can be templated easily, so from our perspective is streamlined. A Slack implementation project in this sense with initial consultation, implementation, technical set up, training and initial support can fall into a $2500 - $3500 range. It leads to an additional MRR for support and subsequent enhancement projects.
The best way to market this is with an eBook or a Grader. You can see an example of a Slack grader here. It asks the following questions from the client:
We can quickly score their answers and see whether Slack can be useful to them to show, try, and implement. It can lead us to a quick product tour and a kickoff meeting for the needs assessment.
The delivery part is a canned project with
- Project Plan
- Process descriptions, hints and tips
- Pricing and packaging document, contract, agreement
- Task lists for the milestones
- Tasks for the necessary deliverables
- Meeting memos, agendas to manage the project efficiently
- One-page checklists for the discovery meetings
- Presentation decks for education/training
- live client facing workspace with everything necessary to facilitate smooth communication with the client
Slack is a great tool, and boosting the tool with our implementation services is a big hit. Clients will understand that we’re no longer just a general infrastructure service provider but a real business ‘wingman’ or ‘wingwoman’ for them with respect to the creative use and implementation of technology solutions. It ushers us into the trusted advisory role and helps us reframe our clients to see that IT is not just cost-savings, but a huge competitive advantage.
Execute your IT Strategy: interview with Gary Harpst
By Denes Purnhauser on January 15 2016
We are continuing the “MSP 2.0 bestseller” series in January, as well. The pick for this month is Gary Harpst - Six Disciplines of Excellence. Gary has been a part of the IT industry since being the founder of the well known ERP solution Solomon Software that was sold to Great Plains then to Microsoft. After the acquisition he shifted his focus to one question: how to help companies to execute their strategies. He has put together a very solid methodology in a program called “Six Disciplines” and written a book about this topic. This book is in my top 10 business books and has changed my way of thinking. I was privileged to meet him in person and have a long talk about these challenges.
Execution is one of the biggest issues of managing any type of company. As a vCIO or trusted advisor you not only need to have great insights and offer solid advice, you need to actually execute their IT strategy as well. If you’ve read “E-Myth” by Michael Gerber you’re familiar with this idea of working on your company. Gary put together the practice behind it - how you actually do it!
Listening to Gary and reading his books not only can teach you to be a better leader of your IT company, but make you a better service provider as well. It shows you practices and processes to reliably create rock-solid strategies, align your people to them and then execute flawlessly.
Read Gary’s books, check his blog, and learn the wisdom of someone who’s been there and done that!
Transform your MSP sales approach
By Denes Purnhauser on December 8 2015
Branden Baker, President of Integration Technologies from Hawaii is a modern Tom Selleck. He shares a story about the transformation of his IT sales approach.
His team had not been able to close any managed services provider deals for more than a year. But he got involved in the virtual CIO conversation and after only a few weeks he landed his first monster six-figure deal.
Have you ever wondered why you struggle to communicate your values to your prospect, why prospects stay with their current provider even when they’re not happy, you have a hard time closing deals that weren’t referrals, or you just can’t find a way to consistently close sales? This recorded webinar with our MSP sales expert guide, Mark Woldman, will show exactly where you are going wrong and help you develop a plan to move your sales forward.
Watch this interview with our MSP sales expert guide, Mark Woldman, to win over new prospective clients by finding best practices that will help your MSP become Sales-Ready. Here you’ll learn key concepts and practices that will move your sales forward!
Break Your IT Sales Barriers with Ian Altman
By Denes Purnhauser on December 4 2015
We are starting our "MSP 2.0 bestseller" monthly book review. We want to start strong, so the first book of this series is the new consultative selling holy bible, Same Side Selling. The co-author, Ian Altman, CEO of Grow My Revenue, is a sales visionary, bestselling author, Forbes contributor and keynote speaker.
While speaking with Ian it became clear he knows how to win the hardest battle IT managed services providers have ever faced: commoditization of the IT infrastructure services and the resulting price pressure, shrinking margins, and the lack of differentiation from competition.
One of our MSP 2.0 movement members suggested I read the book: Same Side Selling - A Radical Approach to Break Through Sales Barriers. He had told me that this is 100% aligned what we do in the Managed Services Platform IT Consultative Sales program. I read it and I was flattered. Most of what I’ve read on the subject involves large complex concepts, but this book was very simple, very practical and quite an eye opener. I think everybody who’s a little serious about MSP 2.0 should read his book.
You can read his articles each week on If you do a search in business trends, he comes up #1. Business luminary Seth Godin recommends Ian’s latest bestselling book, Same Side Selling, as one of two must-read books on consultative sales. Ian is host of the Grow My Revenue Business Cast. He started, sold, and grew his companies worldwide to values of more than one billion dollars.
I had a chance to chat with Ian last week and he was able to carve out time with us for a quick interview. The fun part is that he knows the industry well, so we had a great chat. I am not going to try summarizing the interview, as I think it’s better to just hear him for yourself.
Thanks again to Ian. Check out his webcasts at his website:
MSP Financial Intelligence with Larry Cobrin
By Denes Purnhauser on November 27 2015
Larry Cobrin, CEO/Founder of MSP CFO, has been working on a project to make financials available for IT managed services provider to make better decisions. In my first call with him I knew we needed him to talk about finances! I was fascinated by his insights about clients’ profitability trends, classifying them and taking actions for better profitability.
He shares a lot of hints and tips about different data you need to look into (which are mostly available already in your PSA) for your organization to make better decisions. If you feel you are leaving money on the table check out this interview!
Larry’s interview is available in a Podcast format here.
Have you ever wondered why you struggle to communicate your values to your prospect, why prospects stay with their current provider even when they’re not happy, you have a hard time closing deals that weren’t referrals, or you just can’t find a way to consistently close sales? This recorded webinar with our MSP sales expert guide, Mark Woldman, will show exactly where you are going wrong and help you develop a plan to move your sales forward.
Watch this interview with our MSP sales expert guide, Mark Woldman, to win over new prospective clients by finding best practices that will help your MSP become Sales-Ready. Here you’ll learn key concepts and practices that will move your sales forward!
12 mistakes most MSPs make with their Virtual CIO services
By Denes Purnhauser on November 20 2015
The Virtual CIO phenomenon is not new, yet the promises of the role have not been realized across the industry. Some mature MSPs who believe they have a functioning Virtual CIO practice, on closer inspection, still show challenges with delivery, scalability and profitability.
While we could go in depth to identify the root of these problems, instead here we'll highlight the twelve most common mistakes MSPs make with their vCIO. At the end of this article there is a questionnaire where you can measure yourself against other MSPs.
#update - We released this blog a year ago. This is an updated version covering the latest developments. It seems that the MSP 2.0 community was able to solve most of the issues during the last year. These mistakes now can be prevented. It has been a long year, for sure... :-)
Virtual CIO Strategy, Transformation Planning:
Mistake #1. Packaing the MSP and vCIO contracts together
Selling the vCIO built into the MSP contract makes you Virtual CIO of the IT Infrastructure. In this there are two pitfalls.
First, the vCIO capacity of the contract does not scale with the size of the organization like the other IT company related services do. It scales up with the complexity, changes and developments of the clients. That means ball-parking a user based price for a Virtual CIO is unlikely to be appropriate. This results in either the price being too much for the market (they don’t want to buy it), or the contract being more work than revenue supports (you don’t want to sell it).
Second, creating a solid offer on virtual CIO involves capacity time with a very expensive resource. That makes the MSP offering more expensive compared to the competition. For the client, the results and benefits of the "vCIO of the infrastructure" do not make much sense. Customers are apt to compare prices ‘apples-to-apples’ between competing IT managed services providers but rarely are the service offerings that comparable.
Virtual CIO can deliver a major competitive advantage. It needs a separate service offering with a distinct pricing strategy.
#update - Working with clients around the world, we have designed a smooth transition from vCIO Light to a real vCIO services. That means even if you packaged together, there is a way out.
Mistake #2. Not creating the necessary budget to get results
Let's say we have a 50 seat "sweet spot" client set up with the needed virtual CIO core services like: yearly, quarterly, monthly and weekly cycles. This could eat up 70 - 170 hours easily with automation. (We refer to the virtual CIO here as a general one taking care of every IT-related business aspect: reporting, management systems, applications, budget, vendor management and so on.)
If you use a base $150 hourly rate it could reach $2.000 service price per month or $40/user. Your MSP contract simply does not have the space for that.
Further you do not have the necessary processes or approach for that, and you can’t afford that much time, so you under-deliver on your promise of virtual CIO. This damages the concept and the possible future of the service.
Again, if you are not able to create the viable budget for the monthly recurring service fee and communicate the value, either you do not profit or don’t sell the service.
#update - there is a formula now for calculating profitability regarding virtual CIO services, the services and service delivery processes, as well.
Mistake #3. Not using a framework to develop the system
The vast majority of the Managed Service Providers we’ve been able to talk to do not use any framework for their virtual-CIO-related activities, so they don't have a system in place to successfully deliver them. Instead they operate as "consultants" or arm’s length managerial resources for infrastructure-like projects.
This means they are not able to implement a standardized IT management structure with proper plans, documents or databases that align services across the IT ecosystem. Nor are they able to streamline communication of the duties, tasks, deliverables and responsibilities of the virtual CIO correctly. This makes it hard to achieve the expectations of the client for the role.
#update - a complete structure is ready for the various vCIO activities like Planning, Project Management, Education or Execution. The closed loop vCIO cycles have been completed with Annual, Quarterly, Monthly and Weekly cycles.
Demand Generation
Mistake #4. Not attracting the right audience
Demand generation needs to target the right audience. The virtual CIO job is best suited for companies with 50-150 office workers. If the MSP wants to target a 20-30 or even a ten-seat client, there will likely come a painful realization of the lack of interest and of financial background. Those in higher tiers are left to figure out some system for managing IT. We can go there, but with coaching and support, as a complement the CIO or the IT manager.
#update - content and tools to qualify visitors are now available, like graders, ebooks
Mistake #5. The wrong content
The partner of the virtual CIO is not an office manager, not the CFO or COO. The partner of the virtual CIO is the president/director/CEO - the top-level manager of the company. We know that placing this role that high is a challenge for the average technology-oriented service provider, like most Managed Service Providerss, but it needs to be there.
Most CEOs are not interested in backups, new MS Office versions or the cloud in general. They spend their time on increasing cash flow, boosting sales, organizing their companies, servicing their clients, and developing their management team. The MSP’s marketing content has to reflect those perspectives and turn those opportunities into solutions supported by IT.
This content has to be consistent across the website, emails, blogs, calls-to-action, in lead-nurturing drip email campaigns, in LinkedIn and other social media communications and in marketing collaterals: ebooks, guides and whitepapers.
#update - business related content is available in different formats like graders, ebooks, emails to quickly put business content to the MSP website. (even a complete Weebly based canned MSP 2.0 website is available now for early adopters)
Mistake #6. No clearly defined buyer’s journey
The buyer's journey covers the process that a prospect follows, from the first access of content to becoming and remaining a client. While a lot of MSPs have a decent website with a blog most of these blogs lack a call to action - no next-steps for the prospective customer, such as a downloadable e-book on the relevant topic.
These websites talk about available services instead of highlighting vision, possibilities and opportunities. The sales meetings are wired not to serve the clients and create instant value, but to "qualify" the techs - a focus on our opportunities instead of theirs.
The lack of a well designed buyer's journey will fail to attract the right prospect (the CEOs) to the website and assure them they will find the kind of service that will focus on their opportunities. The content needs to attract, engage and interest the right prospect with the wide scope on the business - make them eager to initiate contact and get a demo or have a meeting with the MSP.
#update - various lead magnets have been developed to convert visitors to leads
Mistake #7. Not using consultative sales
Consultative sales is all about selling solutions. In solution selling our approach is not geared toward what to sell to the client. Instead we have a process to ask the thought-provoking questions that reveal overlooked opportunities and potential benefits. It is a process of discovery, of business opportunities where the MSP's solutions can help achieve their vision.
Virtual CIO is not a boxed product so it doesn’t have a standard price. Deep understanding of a customer's business is required before the solutions can be presented. Selling without context and understanding will put the virtual CIO in a very ineffective position, making it difficult to manage expectations.
This method is slower and takes more time, but necessary for engaging the client and crafting the offering within their business context. However exploiting business opportunities, and supporting them with technology solutions will mean more and higher value sales.
#update - consultative sales questionnaires, scoring, reports, targets, benchmarks and help are available for making the consultative sales easier
Mistake #8. Not selling the vision with stories
The virtual CIO's purpose is to make the client’s business more competitive in its marketplace, with the use of technology, to drive more revenue, cut costs and maximize the business continuity.
These general terms have to be in the context of the client and industry; we cannot really engage the client without selling the vision of competitiveness: being a better company, producing more revenue, and surpassing their competitors.
To sell the vision we have to craft compelling stories that grab the imagination of the CEOs.
#update - storytelling process for the first meeting with presentation slides have been created to help telling stories
Mistake #9. Not confronting reality with numbers
The reality of the situation - the hard data on the current state of business maturity, people, systems and numbers - sets the tension of the proposition. This tension helps make the buying decision.
The “score” needs to be readily attained and easy to understand in order to be compelling. That is why a business IT questionnaire that measures a company’s competitiveness with IT is a must. Without this, even if the vision is clearly defined, there are no quantifiable parameters to achieving it.
Imagine having a vision to run a marathon: a good start would be a full physical assessment. Make clear how hard you have to train, the time frame and the resources you’ll need to accomplish your goal.
#update - graders & new questionnaires are ready to get real with prospects and clients
Mistake #10. Not using vCIO tools like automation or collaboration
Most IT companies are trying to use their existing PSA solutions like Connectwise or Autotask to manage their virtual CIO activities. It just doesn’t work, period. Again, the MSP 2.0 virtual CIO does not just focus on infrastructure. The virtual CIO has to manage people, processes and systems while communicating with the team, vendors and customers.
Most virtual CIOs do not have an integrated approach to managing all their activities in one place, or a system in which they can store all the IT management-related documents, memos, projects, databases, plans, budgets, and so on. Missing an integrated platform wastes a lot of valuable time for the virtual CIO.
#update - Basecamp integration is ready to collaborate with clients & vendors
Mistake #11. No clear differentiation between onging and project activities
Just as maintenance teams are separate from project teams because of different utilizations, focus, experience, etc., so should be the virtual CIO team.
One virtual CIO needs to manage the core virtual CIO cycles, like yearly planning, quarterly activities, monthly follow-ups, reports, weekly meetings, and so on.
An average virtual CIO could manage 10-18 clients, depending on the complexity of that focus. Another virtual CIO has to manage the individual projects separately. It needs a different personality, different skills, tools and different daily and weekly routines.
#update - separated process for ongoing vCIO s ervices and Project based vCIO services are available with templates and Basecamp workspaces
Mistake #12. IT-related service instead of business-related service
In a quarterly session, discussion should include questions about the client's cash flow, marketing initiatives, sales performance, internal projects, and competitor's moves first.
Then it can become a session with reports on the execution of the IT strategy, the quarterly plan, and the plans for the next quarter. It should not be focused on the technology roadmap or IT-related issues, problems, and challenges. It has to be focused on the business, processes, numbers, and business terms.
This can be difficult - there are so many cool IT projects an MSP can propose to a customer - however the conversation needs to remain about the business benefits and business accomplishments.
A successful CRM project is a great example. It highlights the improvements on sales collaboration, alignment, processes and results, instead of talking about the features of the technology solution.
#update - application related services (like Implmenting Slack) are available and also Business Modeling and other cool business focused workshops
Please check for these possible flaws in your practices. To improve on those, we strongly suggest signing up for the MSP 2.0 Quickstarter Tools. It has the tools to market and deliver the virtual CIO role right. If you would like to know more about the modern vCIO approach, let’s check this page.
#update - thanks for the contributors, our team and all clients to put this all together. A year ago it was just the mistakes, now the MSP 2.0 community can prevent those mistakes! Thanks guys!
10 ways MSPs are leaving money on the table
By Denes Purnhauser on October 15 2015
Keeping up the margins for IT managed services providers is getting harder and harder. The competition is catching up and while needs of the clients keeps growing, the price still seems to be dropping - and many IT companies are making a practice of leaving money on the table. Let's look at 10 things you can fix to prevent losing money every day.
1. Having no CTAs on your site
How many MSP Blogs have great content but nothing to do? Even if the prospect likes the content; that’s a dead end. There are no next-steps or call to action; no way to download something or move further into a workshop or webinar or launch a module and learn.
$$$ - invest in having visitors and do not convert leads
2. Talking about how cool you are
The website should be about the clients and how they can benefit rather than descriptions of ourselves, especially on the main page. You have to grab their attention and quickly engage them. Focus on talking about their IT problems, issues and challenges and the potential solutions.
$$$ - lower conversion rate on your site
3. Talking about IT
IT talk is for IT people. Business people are looking for business talk. If you are talking about Office 365, or Virtualization or the Cloud, you are going to lose their interest. Talking about margins, productivity, process management and salesforce automation is how to keep the attention of your prospects.
$$$ - lack of differentiation puts you in the herd
4. Offering consultation on the first page
Very few visitors will be engaged enough on the first page to book a meeting with you. They are probably open for discovering solutions to their issues and reading informative content. Only then should you move toward getting their email address. First nurture the relationship - after this is established you can start talking about a potential appointment for a meeting.
$$$ - feels too salesy or pushy
5. Pushing the Network Assessment
In the good old days, prospects were begging for the Technology Assessment, and you were even able to charge for it. Now, however, most IT systems are robust and the assessment is no longer required, so making that in the central feature of the sales process can be lethal.
$$$ - not closing deals
6. Having only one service package
Yes, in 2008 there was only one iPhone - now you can buy three sizes in four colors. Client expectation is rising as the industry matures. Limiting your prospects’ choice to one offering is preventing your them from becoming clients.
$$$ - not closing deals
7. Building the Virtual CIO into the MSP packaging
The surest way to squander the potential of the Virtual CIO revenue stream is to bundle it together with the MSP package. It downplays the value of the Virtual CIO to just a tech advisor doing tech roadmaps and warranty notifications, instead of capturing the opportunity to maximize their competitive edge.
$$$ - eliminate margins and give free advise
8. Developing Virtual CIO practices in-house
Development of Virtual CIO service offerings requires strong management skills as well as a lot of trial and error to get it just right for the specific instance. Developing it in house eats up the time of valuable resources and can lead to dissatisfied customers during the development phase.
$$$ - huge internal cost and time investment
9. Executing Virtual CIO without structured processes
Executing Virtual CIO activities without repeatable processes requires highly skilled people who, even if they can be found, will be asking for a fee. Teach one smart person the vCIO processes and give them tools to help them to deliver value to your clients in a profitable and scalable way.
$$$ - no margin for vCIO services
10. If it's not broken, din't fix it
This is an adage that is misapplied to this industry. It is misguided to think nothing has changed and there is no sense of urgency around this change. Complacency has brought down many large, otherwise successful organizations in the past. Taking commoditization lightly can cost you your entire enterprise in the end. Take advantage of this new standard and turn your organization in the right direction, fast.
$$$ - fix a broken business model instead of changing it
The MSP 2.0 movement is catching fire and re-energize the commoditization of traditional MSP services. The traditional MSP marketplace has changed a lot, and without proper strategy and actions it can damage any IT service provider.
Take action and learn more about the MSP 2.0 movement.
Increase revenue with process related Virtual CIO services
By Denes Purnhauser on October 8 2015
Ryan Williams is a superstar CEO of the ProcessPlan SaaS application. He really knows the MSP arena well, as he is also VP of Business Development for the MSP Nexxtep.
I was intrigued to have an interview with him because of my belief that IT companies are specialists in process. Clients need process management experts, but that’s usually seen as a management role, and not a tech discipline. Ryan has changed this with his tool: ProcessPlan is awesome software that can be used for planning and managing processes. It makes the process problems tech problems, so the IT managed services providers can leverage them to sell process related Virtual CIO services to their clients.
Let’s check out his ideas and have a look at how this great product integrates with Connectwise (See How ProcessPlan Can Help Your Organization), which we use both internally and as part of our vCIO processes.

Delivering Business Focused QBRs
You would like to be a high-value business partner in your client’s eyes rather than a basic technology service provider. Your QBR process is a critical part of influencing their engagement up to a higher level. Watch this recorded webinar with our vCIO expert guide, Adam Walter, who has shared his 5 step process to make any technical QBR into a business-focused one.

6 Best Practices of Top Performing vCIOs
Watch this interview with our vCIO expert guide, Adam Walter, to learn how to be more engaged with clients by finding best practices for becoming a trusted business advisor in 6 single steps.
Cold calling best practices with Carrie Simpson
By Denes Purnhauser on October 1 2015
Carrie Simpson, Founder and CEO of Managed Sales Pros is the one and only MSP Cold Calling guru- an expert on what drives tangible results. Though we are very much focused on the inbound marketing side of lead generation, we cannot deny the potential performance of cold calling.
I was really interested in her best practices in getting leads over the phone, and surprised by some of the hints and tips Carrie shared with me. She talks on how to overcome call reluctance, how to build a winning script, and how to best manage the time investment.
Differentiate yourself from your competition and
become sales ready
If you have not done cold calling before, or you think your approach isn’t working, just listen and learn how you can fill your sales pipeline. Mixing the MSP 2.0 message with cold calling can build your revenue funnel faster.
Have you ever wondered why you struggle to communicate your values to your prospect, why prospects stay with their current provider even when they’re not happy, you have a hard time closing deals that weren’t referrals, or you just can’t find a way to consistently close sales? This recorded webinar with our MSP sales expert guide, Mark Woldman, will show exactly where you are going wrong and help you develop a plan to move your sales forward.
Watch this interview with our MSP sales expert guide, Mark Woldman, to win over new prospective clients by finding best practices that will help your MSP become Sales-Ready. Here you’ll learn key concepts and practices that will move your sales forward!
Building Starter vCIO Services
By Denes Purnhauser on October 1 2015
There is no question that vCIO service is no longer a nice to have service offering for IT managed services providers.
- It is a needed offensive strategy to tap into the growth potential of the prospects with high maturity.
- It is a perfect defensive strategy to keep the prices up and protect our client base from low price entrants.
However, the delivery of IT Management services is not entirely new; most IT companies have some issue to monetize on this opportunity.
During the webinar, we are going to learn a lot about how to tackle the challenges, and start implementing vCIO services. It is a service your team can execute, it’s scalable, and you can start to charge for it.
- The basic building blocks of our consulting services
- Building proper plans for the different client types
- The boundaries of our services to make money
- 15 Quick Win vCIO light projects to start tomorrow
- The process of MSP marketing and selling the services to existing clients

Delivering Business Focused QBRs
You would like to be a high-value business partner in your client’s eyes rather than a basic technology service provider. Your QBR process is a critical part of influencing their engagement up to a higher level. Watch this recorded webinar with our vCIO expert guide, Adam Walter, who has shared his 5 step process to make any technical QBR into a business-focused one.

6 Best Practices of Top Performing vCIOs
Watch this interview with our vCIO expert guide, Adam Walter, to learn how to be more engaged with clients by finding best practices for becoming a trusted business advisor in 6 single steps.