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Typically there is a certain type of personality that is best suited to the vCIO role.

  • They have some consultative background.
  • Their “down to earth” mentality suits working with small to medium business.
  • They tend to be systematic, process-oriented thinkers.
  • They understand how to put technology solutions into a business solutions context.

Chances are you possess many if not all of these traits. But who else on your team also fits the role? The idea here we’re looking at here is nurturing and developing ideal vCIO candidates to build a hyper-successful MSP in the modern marketplace - something one can't do alone. Let’s take a look at what that will require. 




You might guess the ERP guys, former consultants or business analysts and even some tech employees are perfect fits, but this isn’t necessarily so. The real skill lies in understanding what it means to be a virtual CIO in the modern MSP 2.0 ideology. Most IT managed services providers who offer a vCIO solution are still using it as an extension of the infrastructure support offer, only on a higher level. As long as the solution is grounded in supporting networks and servers instead of the business and people, it will remain an undistinguished commodity and replaceable by the next, cheaper competitor.

The MSP 2.0 vCIO does much more: everything from managing all the IT strategy and policies based on ongoing goals of IT competitiveness and profitability, to all technology, vendor and channel management. This virtual CIO meets with the heads all departments and purposefully learns their needs. This vCIO knows the “why” of the goals of the CEO and of the company. Of course servers and networks are a part of this, but far from all of it. This is a way to open up substantial business opportunities. More information is available in our MSP 2.0 Quickstarter Kit.

Are your ideas for candidates shifting? Who do you think might fit this position best now?

We are offering some short but exciting webinars that cover many of these topics

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