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As part of our work with companies in the process of implementing virtual CIO services we are interested in the general vCIO movement worldwide. So we’ve created a series of research discussions country by country.

Although the largest vCIO movement is resident in the U.S.A., we also observe distinct trends in other countries where the movement is under way. Having looked now at Canada and New Zealand, let's travel to Australia and see where the vCIOs reside down under.





vCIOs by city in Australia

The centre of the Australian vCIO movement is undoubtedly Brisbane where almost half of Virtual CIOs operated, but the vCIO movement is present in all Australian metropolitan areas: Sydney, Melbourne, Perth and Adelaide. The most popular schools are also the best executive educators from their regions: The University of Queensland and Mt Eliza Business School. Then there is a small but important minority who received their education in foreign universities.

vCIO experience in Australia

Most Australian vCIOs have more than 10 years of experience, consistent with international trends. What’s notably different is what we see when comparing the IT managed services provider company sizes that are hiring vCIOs:

  • MSP companies below 50 employees are more represented compared to the international trend, and
  • MSP companies between 50 and 200 employees are barely visible in Austria with regards to this movement at around 22% of the international level.  

MSP company sizes hiring vCIOs in Australia

Further, regarding the Australian and also New Zealand virtual CIO roles, it is important to note that MSP 1.0 roles are over represented compared to the international level, while MSP 2.0 roles, namely sales and business development, have lower levels of representation. This may explain why Australian vCIOs much prefer to be members of technology-focused social media groups and why small and medium sized managed services provider groups are more popular than in other countries.

vCIO roles in Australia

Please note: we’re always open to learn. If by chance you find that our research is not representative of your community, please share that information with us so that we can take it in and pass it on.

See previous parts:

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