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new theme test 02

new theme test 02

Reporting vCIOs in Canada
Reporting vCIOs in Canada

We work with a variety of companies that are implementing vCIO services, and think it’s important to have a perspective on the general vCIO movement worldwide. We have thus created a series of research country by country.

Although the largest vCIO movement is driven by the US, we are starting this series of analysis on our home soil. So let’s see how the Virtual CIO movement is doing in Canada.

vCIOs by city in Canada

Most Canadian vCIOs are operating in the largest metropolis: Toronto. However on a provincial level Alberta and Ontario are tied. Nine out of ten vCIOs operate in three of the ten Canadian provinces: Ontario, Alberta and British Columbia. Due to Ontario’s high representation, 6 % of vCIOs are French-English bilingual.
vCIOs in Canadian universities
The 5 most popular schools are in the west and the mountains; chief among them the British Columbia Institute of Technology and the Northern Alberta Institute of Technology.
vCIO experience in years - Canada
Canada is a driver of the international trend with respect to experience and company size, so most vCIOs have more than 10 years of experiences and are hired by companies with fewer than 200 employees - most with only have 11-50 personnel. It is important to note that more than 20% of Canadian vCIOs are going to large (10,000+ employees) organizations, a number three times more than the international statistic.
MSP sizes hiring vCIOs in Canada
Canadian vCIO roles show a higher participation than the international average in focus on sales, consultancy and business development as opposed to the technology. This reflects their unique interests, as most of them are members of the IT Sales Global Community on LinkedIn (though this group is not among the 6 most popular social media groups for vCIOs who focus more on technology challenges).
vCIO roles in Canada

Please note: If, by chance, you find our research is not representative of your particular situation, please share that information with us so we can all be on the same page.

Sign up for the Client Engagement Excellence Manifesto PDF coming end of January

Escape the free-advice MSP trap once and for all
Escape the free-advice MSP trap once and for all


Have you ever been asked for IT advice with the expectation that it comes free of charge, and even takes time away from your paying work? Of course you have. The moment it’s discovered that you know about technology you become the go-to guy for reliable “free” advice.
Worse, this isn’t limited to friends and family. Your clients are doing it too, and you let them because you’re a kind person who’s passionate about helping people and savvy with technology, and the people asking aren’t consciously trying to steal your time. The problem is once you’ve set this precedent with your clients it becomes difficult to shed the expectation you’ll help for free.
You may also be needed to give advice on IT you know works and should be implemented, but aren’t the expert on. How do you charge for advice about something you can’t explain like the engineer who made it? The vCIO 10 point exercise is your solution! Find it here and take part in the video Q&A for more information.

The secret to making money for IT consultation
The secret to making money for IT consultation

We have been using a very basic management tool called the 10 Point Exercise, where the goal is to channel client issues into a defined consulting "product" rather than just having discussions pro-bono….getting people together to ask specific questions, getting everything out on the table and developing a plan. It’s easy to learn and it turns IT tech guys into business advisors in 20 minutes.  Most importantly though it let them charge for their knowledge instead of giving it away. Let's see how...


Get long term client loyalty with regular and strategic Quarterly Business Reviews and IT strategy meetings

We aren’t going to teach how to use it here. You can learn and practice the 10 Point Exercise in many ways.

Our focus now is on how it can be used to turn your free advice into something that both helps the client and generates revenue.

Create a process to solve problems

Let's imagine we run into our client who happens to have an issue with their IT, people or systems and are actively seeking advice. Of course we engage and try to help them. However, we do not have a process; so we miss the chance to understand the root problem together, from the start. We probably sit d

own with the client several times, as we’re often their Trusted Advisors for IT, and we don’t want them to go somewhere else. Ironically this can mean both that they don’t get immediate value, and we don’t get paid for that service.

Now imagine you have a process to turn vague issues and problems into tangible results. When next you discover one of these issues just say: "This is a perfect place to have a 10 Point Exercise!" This means sitting with a few people and doing a quick and easy exercise.

There are telltale signs to identify the proper 10 Point Exercise for solving the problem based on their scope and goals. We need to keep end goal in mind: what we want to achieve.

Create alignment

Usually when these issues/opportunities for improvement arise there are differing perspectives.  While there may be agreement on the symptoms, there is no alignment about what causes the problem, so no clear diagnosis. This is vital to get at the beginning. 10 Point Exercise questions like these can help: “What are the most common reasons our employees spend so much time searching?”, “What are the underlying causes of the low productivity of office workers?”, or “What are the most important issues behind our apparent problems with working together as a team?”

Solve a problem

Our goal now is to find how we can solve the given issues. We have alignment on the problem, we’ve defined it, but we do not have a strategy to solve it yet. There are methods that work on a general level. Questions like this can help: “What are the next steps we can take to solve the internal communication problem?”, “How can we ensure we solve the team productivity problem by the end of this month?”, or “What specific actions can we take to reduce time-wasting document searches?”

Opportunity discovery

We need to clearly identify a business opportunity out of this issue, and what we need to do to capture it. Questions like these can help: “How can we improve our internal processes?”, “What is the best way to leverage our current IT tools for better collaboration?”, or “What actions should we take to make sure we can develop the service on time?”

Project visualization

The goal in this is to be aligned with the team on what we need to achieve at the end of the given IT project. Regardless the type of IT project and before anybody jumps in and starts planning, we know what success means to every stakeholder. Questions may include: “If we think about the Document Management project, what are the deliverables we expect from this?”, “What exact results are you looking for at the end of the productivity improvement project?”, or “How would you define the success of the collaboration project?”

Decision making

Now we need to make decisions and have a commitment to particular solutions, the scope of projects and needed deliverables. Questions may include: “Which collaborative solution are we choosing for implementation?”, “What are the expected deliverables and priorities for the productivity project?”, or “Which application should we use for internal chat?”

The more complex the problems the more sessions involved. We can start to clarify the issue with an Alignment session, then have a Problem Solving session and then jump into a Project Visualization. The sequence can be 2-4 sessions in a row, or on an improvised schedule as it progresses. There can be a natural sequence here. The outcome of one session can be the input for another. As we move forward we have to set expectations about how far we need to go in certain exercises.

If the team is bigger, we need more of the same exercise and to aggregated results. Do the same exercise in smaller teams and compare outcomes. Afterward, summarize the results and present that to the board.

Nice, but how do we make money?

Most of the time we are going to charge for these sessions. On one hand, we can do it ad-hoc, but we think it’s best to have prepaid packages of 5 x 10 Point Exercises, or part of the vCIO engagement.

If we see that one session takes 60 minutes of our time not including travel, prep and follow-ups, a session can easily cost us $250-$400.

We should demonstrate the exercise in real life first, so as to prevent the client from seeing it as a cost. We want them to see it instead as a great investment to solve problems with an outside party. Being unaligned, spinning the wheels and having arguments last for weeks, are very inefficient ways to solve IT problems. The $150 to $400 we are asking for the exercise has a significant return.

An IT related project can easily cost the client tens of thousands, plus applicable internal utilization of resources. Having a 3-4 session sequence of workshops can leverage that investment in a big way. Having more precise projects, better alignment and more teamwork is worth the investment and can get rid of unmanaged, ad-hoc projects.


Learn and use the 10 Point Exercise, to create an entry type Virtual CIO service. The service leads you naturally to formulate and close more projects. Your time will be monetized, and your clients will come to expect to pay for reliable and prompt solutions. They’ll get a process to solve problems while you get funding for spending time with them as a vCIO.


Sign up for the Client Engagement Excellence Manifesto PDF coming end of January 

Get out of the MSP commoditization trap
Get out of the MSP commoditization trap

One of the more common problems we see IT managed services providers suffer is increasing difficulty with the commoditization of services and differentiation within the industry. There are three factors involved here that we need to understand and manage to solve these problems. 


Differentiate yourself from your competition and become sales ready


Problem 1.: Our prospects are seeing fewer visible IT problems

Even ten years ago not only was Windows XP less reliable but so were servers and the internet in general. These are not generating problems anymore..the average CEO doesn’t have "technology issues" on their agenda.

So our traditional marketing and sales efforts are no longer effective. Even referrals are not coming with the same frequency lately.

Problem 2.: Our Value Proposition is limited

The MSP value proposition is designed around peace of mind - keeping your lights on, managing your technology so you don’t have to. The entire value proposition is reflected in the challenges of managing that technology. We can embellish and enhance, but that is the core value every managed services provider is delivering. All our discussions tend to come back to proactive maintenance, anti-virus and managed devices.

Problem 3.: Communicating MSP value proposition is a dead end

The ability to market the service by appealing to technology awareness is diminished and the industry is saturated. Prospects have fewer IT problems with their IT infrastructure and there’s no room to move sideways to look for new IT infrastructure territories. Too many fish in a smaller pond. Trying harder is not a solution, nor is tweaking your delivery.

traditional MSP 1.0 value proposition

A few smart folks in the Business Model Generation group made an interesting observation, of service companies who see these problems we’re facing and start to look inward to develop new services. This, they found, is very ineffective. Instead they thought: what if we first understand the problems of the target market - their pains and wishes, and then try to figure out how we can solve their problems. Once we have these in mind we can start developing IT services.

Check out their cool Canvas tool. On the right-hand side, you see a traditional CEO's job, their pains, and the gains they are after. As it was when a CEO had visible IT problems, as service providers on the left, we have been able to solve their pains and offer services to reach their desired gains. It is a very simple formula to connect our services to their needs, so it’s called the Value Proposition Canvas.

If we really take the time to understand our clients and prospects we can quickly see they actually still do have IT problems - they just aren't as obvious as they used to be.

First and foremost they usually want to grow and to be more efficient. They see their hurdles as lack of productivity among their staff, for example, and as in need of immediate solution. But while every business is looking to grow sales, they don't see these as IT-related opportunities. They see these as general business problems.

Here’s where we can excel! If we try to figure out how we can help their business problems using IT solutions, the whole conversation starts to change. In reality there are many solutions to their business problems. A new CRM or improved reporting and adoption by staff through proper training, or some improved collaboration and internal communication could ease their pains. Sadly all too often some or all of these solutions do not exist in our particular service stack.

Right now nobody is there to connect the dots - find the problems, look for opportunities and manage the implementations. Their internal resources cannot do this and most consultants and IT companies aren’t either. There may be no shortage of skilled experts, but nobody there to manage the solutions.

If the solution for them is to be more IT savvy and do better implementations, and to better use their existing environment and become more productive, we have to find out how we can deliver this value to them, and this is what a virtual CIO is doing. This is the Value Proposition of MSP 2.0.

traditional MSP 2.0 value proposition

The idea here is that unlike the MSP 1.0 model, where the Value Proposition is limited in scope to IT infrastructure problems, here we can solve any business problem. This value proposition is thus UNLIMITED. We can now differentiate our vCIO services by vertical structure, size, business problem, or any other metric.

Free yourself: why fight the same limited dead-end MSP 1.0 battle. We can elevate our conversations and solve the problems that really matter to clients.


Sign up for the Client Engagement Excellence Manifesto PDF coming end of January

Why do most professionals charge for advice while we MSPs do not?
Why do most professionals charge for advice while we MSPs do not?

Isn't it a bit perplexing that doctors and lawyers can ask for $400 per hour for any and every consultation, but IT service providers are too shy to ask for $200 for their expert advice and often just give it for free? Why is the highest possible value MSPs give to the clients so devalued? Let's investigate this discrepancy and check out a couple quick tips for a solution. We are going to take a cue from Dentists.




There are many hurdles for IT service providers selling IT consultation. There is a lack of definitions of boundaries between these services, no expectation about what’s included in a package and what’s not, whether it is project based or ongoing, sales or consulting, and so on. This poor service design and impromptu handling of custom questions leaves us little or no margin on vCIO services.

Do you remember ever selling an MS Small Business Server with Exchange, SQL, File server, and other add-ons? That could easily have been a $20 000 - $30 000 project with servers, licenses, and upgrades. Would we give away our advice for free to get the deal done? Sure. We made a sizeable markup on the devices, licenses and project overall, so it was common practice to include advice. It was an entirely viable model at the time.

However this is no longer feasible for MSPs, so new philosophies need to be created to charge for our advice. MSPs have created a "vCIO" term and put it into the agreement as a line item to highlight some consultation on the service side.

While this makes sense, it’s only the first part of the fix.  Delivery of the services is still a challenge for most IT managed services providers. As this is an increase of the price for the client, MSPs are losing to competitive pricing from lower quality providers.  

Clients engage us for quality service, and seem to need a CRM, so we start working, expending time and resources to produce an evaluation and suddenly they change their mind. Sound familiar? We’re stuck in the one-phase model, where remuneration came with the project.  We need to create a channel that dissects the concerns of the client into phases for which we can charge.

We have to slice it up like the dentists.  

Dentists are the perfect example of channeling your problems into phases they then monetize in a big way. Once you’re in the channel, you’re likely to stay in it.

Phase 1:

ou have a toothache - you go to a dentist. You expect a free check up and that’s what they do. Then the dentist informs you “You know I see some problems, but we’ll need to x-ray to get a clear picture. It is going to be $250, but it’s our best bet to see what’s going on.”

You say, “Go ahead…”

Phase 2:

Back with the x-ray the dentist, nodding sadly, tells you there is an enormous hole in your right upper 2nd molar. It’s probably going to need a root canal. It is still somewhat hidden but definitely nasty. Unfortunately, they cannot say for sure until he opens the tooth up. It’s your decision...at best it will be around $400 to do, but if it is a root canal, it is $1.500.

You say, “Go ahead.” 

Phase 3:

Turns out it is a root canal, but you’re comforted that at least you don’t need an implant for $5.000. You’re so glad you have paid only $1.750.

Now let’s turn this analogy onto our industry.

Phase 1:

“You seem to have a CRM/Sales issue... Let's have a brainstorming session with your team. As you know, your contract includes 2 brainstorming sessions every quarter, and this is just what they’re made for.”

You do the exercise, and it turns out there are problems with their current CRM...nothing is working, there is no valid data, etc.

“We can see where your problems are at this point, but we have to investigate further...have a meeting with the vendor (tech issue?), see how people are using the system (human problem?). After that, we can give better advice. It would be a couple of hours with the team and a couple of hours with the vendor, and also a couple of hours with a CRM specialist. I estimate $1500 to clarify the problem.

The client gives the go-ahead, because the pain exists and they haven’t the expertise nor the tools needed.

Phase 2:

We conduct the investigation and it turns out that the current CRM is obsolete...not supported; not cloud-based, etc.
“What we can do is to evaluate a better system. This means sitting down twice with the team to define requirements and put together three scenarios with three different systems that can be integrated with their accounting package. We would create an implementation plan, as well to roughly see the costs of that project.

“It will be around $2000 to put it together” we offer.

The client says “Go ahead. We’ve already come this far, I want this solved.”

You can charge for each next consultation phase with a clearly defined delivery goal. Instead of being all-encompassing and all at once, we keep it real, and let them make decisions how they want proceed. Also, some clients aren’t going to want to pay for this, so we are cutting our losses earlier and not wasting our precious resources. Many clients will see the value in what we do, if we can establish and communicate this process.




Proactive Customer Development: Leverage your QBRs
Proactive Customer Development: Leverage your QBRs

leverage your QBRsMost IT managed services providers are quite proud of how proactive they are, especially in terms of technical services like maintenance, antivirus, warranty, etc. However, if we look at their client's IT savvy, operational maturity, and  IT enablement, this is less true. Here are four easy tips to leverage Quarterly Business Reviews and implement the proactive mindset on a higher level.

If you do Quarterly Business Reviews (QBRs), you can start working on these items immediately. If you’re not familiar with the term, just imagine you’re sitting down with your clients regularly for an informative and engaging business meeting.

1. Preparation for the QBRs

Skip the infrastructure based preparation for now. Let's concentrate on their business instead. Check their industry, and consult with a couple of people...try to understand their pressing needs right now. It can be sales, marketing, cash flow, internal processes, anything that is not IT. For an easy introduction to this conversation let's use the business conversation tool from our free MSP 2.0 Quickstarter Kit.

Here’s an example: check their LinkedIn profile. Is everybody from the sales department using LinkedIn? How many connections do they have? There’s a chance they are not big on business social media. Let's download some intelligence about LinkedIn and social selling and put together a 5 minute session for the QBR.

Let’s add more: look for Slack as an online collaboration hype. Sidekick is a nice sales automation tool out there. Check out Do.com for managing better meetings. Let's put those items on the agenda as HOT products... see what they think and have a conversation.

Sooner or later they are going to read about these software somewhere. If they get important IT based information from somewhere else, our position is redundant. We have to be the center of relevant knowledge on business IT.

2. Implement a killer agenda

Prepare a real agenda. Send it before the meeting, leave room for curiosity, and plan for it to be 60-90 minutes. Use do.com and demonstrate a well-organized meeting with a kick-ass tool. Put business issues into the agenda like "Suggested solutions for pressing needs: sales, marketing, cash flow." Include items to ensure we do not just talk, but act: "Clarifying the deliverables for the next Quarterly Plan," or "Review of IT Productivity Initiative."

It may even sometimes sound trivial, but you need to present it with a proactive mindset. We do not want them to have to ask us about training their users, or what is hot out there. We have to act before they find out about so many opportunities they could leverage from somebody else. We need to be the fountain of great information. Keep in mind you can use this one agenda, with custom modifications, for every client for the given quarter.

3. Forget Bomb reports

Bomb reports and infrastructure reports are fading into the past. Now we are on top of the game, and they should not have any critical issue with support. It can be mentioned in passing that every possible gauge is green and not to worry. They are paying us to keep them green. Don’t forget that customer behavior, motivation and problem awareness has changed dramatically. There are still of course companies out there without decent infrastructure. For them the traditional IT reports are a must, educating them and setting expectations. But sooner or later we solve those problems so we have to move forward. If their IT maturity grows, we have to adjust our reports as well.

There is a better way to use business type gauges: Graders, and Opportunity Sheets. These tools put together checklists on clients’ use of best practices, processes, and so on. We just check whether they are being used, and we can come to a conclusion whether they are working effectively.

For example, we check for productivity and ask about emails, best practices, file sharing, searching for documents, version control, etc. In just a few minutes they have a grade on a scale from 1-5. If they are missing three points then we let them know we should have a talk. Believe me, they’ll be much more interested in that than in expiring warranties and quotes for the replacement of devices that are working fine.


4. Campaigns to release peer pressure

Prepare for a campaign every quarter and your MSP sales and development goals can skyrocket. Imagine this: June is the month of security. We do benchmarks sets for every client who signs up as well as teach best practices, prevention for users, basic safety guidelines, and do a Disaster Recovery Plan with 30% discount.

The idea is to make sure everybody is on board. It’s easier to make it a campaign and do 10 DRPs with a discounted rate rather than selling individually. Also, it is easier to communicate the campaign through emails, and brochures.

Every month or every quarter, you need some unique flavor to show them your skills.

If you are a pro, you can create batched events for that. For example, classroom training, seminars for managers, users among your clients, launch-and-learn sessions for executives. Let's lead the community. When people see their peers working on the same things, they can feel more urgency to take action, and are often more actively involved in solving the problems rather than just discussing them..



Change the conversation: be proactive about their business, not just their IT infrastructure. Let's move and shake them every quarter and create a community of IT savvy executives who you can lead to progress. If you do, your client base will give you the necessary growth without extraordinary new customer acquisitions, and your referral engine will fire all cylinders!


The 6 Reasons MSPs Tend to Over-Deliver
The 6 Reasons MSPs Tend to Over-Deliver


One of the most common laments we hear from IT managed services providers is over-delivery of too many different services. They feel they serve their clients more than needed and the services go unused by the clients. Account managers end up doing more IT consulting than they should, demands for IT consultation are unlimited, and the IT company invests time on IT projects that never start. Here we delve into the root of the problems and learn what to do about them!

Clients will start with questions like “What is the best application for this problem? Why are people not productive? How do we manage various IT related vendors?”, etc. However most IT companies do not have the right model for IT consultancy, and try to address those needs without a viable revenue model.

The result of over-delivery is diminished return on service investment. Not only do we do too much but at the same time we set unreasonable expectations with the client. We teach them that we do it for free, or that any request is covered already, and that blocks our ability to implement a profit model, if we even have one.

Let's quickly see the six causes of over-delivery and review a solution.




1. No Boundaries on Services

We have clear boundaries in regards to traditional tech related IT services, but the clients have new needs. IT Management related issues like application deployments and cloud transitions are increasing.  Deploying Office 365 to a small business office is more of a consulting job than deployment now. MSPs are missing a best practice for creating boundaries of what is included in the traditional service package.

2. Mixing Sales and Consultation

In many cases we do a IT consultation to sell something. They are interested in centralized management of IT, and we teach them about virtualization and all sorts of technologies to help them. What we do is IT consultation, but because we are selling the IT projects, we do not ask for it separately. This is fine until we close most of the projects and make money, but sets a precedent that we do free IT consultation.

3. Mixing Project Management/Implementation 

Another fault in doing free IT consultations is that in most of our future projects we do not deploy anything in the technical sense. We keep doing the projects, but there will be less billable technology work. The client doesn’t separate the different types of work - a SaaS CRM integration (we do not deploy a server, just manage the project) from an On-Premise ERP update (we upgrade the servers that are behind, then implement the project). On the one hand we have to make money for the consultation and project management (because there is no tech related work), on the other we generate revenue by utilizing engineers.

4. Mixing Account Mananger and vCIO

Our account managers tend to manage the account health and satisfaction loyalty. Most of the time the job is about solving a technology based problem related to our services. However, clients do not naturally differentiate what is related to our services and what is not. Our account managers are thus likely to do additional consultative services as well (and often not realize it). In this sense, they are operating as a mini virtual CIO and managing the accounts IT related issues. The problem is that we do not charge for this service. Again we’re teaching them we do it for free.

5. No Clarity, Definitions, and Alignment

The contracts and other legal items of the engagement may not be suitable for managing a dynamic and adaptive service. The technologies and client needs are changing faster than those formulas. We usually need to adjust to the client’s real needs a lot after we start the engagement, so even if we have a solid contract on the service side, it needs to be flexible throughout the process. After a while some contracts can even become obsolete, unable to serve the common ground with clients and our services.

Another factor is that some clients signing these contracts do so blind. They do not take the contract apart word by word, but just trust the service provider. In most cases they were referrals, and this can cause a misalignment in expectations.

6. Lack of Processes 

Over-delivery can be caused by poor execution. We do not have well defined processes in place for consulting work, or if we do, they are not put into practice. It causes vague capacity plans, which we usually overshoot. We are not following best practices, and we tend to work on the same issues repeatedly, spinning our wheels and not moving forward.

Thoughts Toward Solution

We will consider a couple of ideas and thoughts about fixing the problem.  This is not a comprehensive description, rather just some ideas that will lead to the solution.

Act on the Changing Client Need

A change in the operations or processes of a client is an excellent opportunity to create a well-defined and entirely separate service offering for IT management and IT consultation.  We should separate the service, so everybody can understand why the traditional package does not have these items. We can still assure the client about what is in the background but if they have a need for more IT consultancy, then you can serve them in a better way outside of the MSP contract. We all have problems upgrading clients to something they might see as included in the service.  We need to have a clear new service with a very professional approach, and deliverables that have clearly visible impact. Reduce how often they assume “this is included.”

Create Boundaries with Mapping 

Mapping out the clients different IT management needs helps to craft services with boundaries. The client's CEO may need some ‘CEO coaching’ and you give them three 30 minute sessions, one in person and two on the phone. They may need to work on their processes - a ‘Process Efficiency Workshop,’ and you give them one meeting per month. They need more training on the infrastructure of what they have, so line up an "IT Enablement Training series" every two weeks with different topics. Each session needs to be a step to solving the problem rather than a series of attempts to make the entire accomplishment.

Standardization and Customization 

The great thing about LEGO is that you can build anything with standard blocks. The result is customized while the parts are generic. The same idea is behind creating standard workshops, brainstormings, and teaching sessions. You can teach your organization how to do them. Your clients have different needs, and you can solve those needs by using a custom mix of standard blocks of services and deliver the series of standard elements as a custom result. Of course this is where the mapping of defined boundaries can influence selection of these modular blocks.  You can craft your best offering based on standardized, tested methods.

Project Management is the Product

Project Management is usually misconstrued as a by-product - not the real goal, but to get results, we need to do it. If we turn this idea around and make Project Management a product, it helps us a lot. This means we first need to educate clients about the value of well-rounded project management, and we have to make it more tangible.  Implementing an easily put together productive Project Management method is crucial.  These methods help determine and define the deliverables which are needed in their service. The automation behind this can cause additional benefits like more clarity, reporting, etc; however, most of the PSAs (Autotask, Connectwise) have project modules and they do not give us any Project Management Frameworks to use. We have to have our own and implement it within our professional services automations project modules. 

Well Crafted Packaging

We can use a well crafted virtual CIO package with deliverables and processes to offer a service with clear outcomes and deliverables in a scalable way. The packaging has to manage all the changing expectations with all the needed tiers involved. The packages need to be a monthly recurring subscription like your MSP package and at least an annual commitment. Craft an annual delivery plan for the client showing all the deliverables solving their problems, guiding strategy, and exploiting opportunities. This will help them see the goals and what you do to help them achieve them. You can put some to work upfront, as well as have monthly and quarterly recurring tasks, and have fully budgeted hours for the year.  In this case, you can measure profitability the same way as you do for the MSP. 


A profitable consulting business faces the same challenge as a beneficial MSP service - expectations of management and processes. The problem is common among managed services providers. The IT consultation is less tangible than the tech-related work. It is trickier to demonstrate the tangible deliverables of consultative services that are the basis of our profitable vCIO services. Designing services with clear outcomes crafted in a structural way is a critical first step.




The 5 Levels of vCIO Operational Maturity
The 5 Levels of vCIO Operational Maturity

The Operational Maturity segmentation makes a lot of sense when trying to understand where to go with vCIO services and which next possible steps to take.
It demonstrates the current maturity of services in a descriptive way, explains the differences, and provides hints and tips toward the next step.This article demonstrates how to proceed as a virtual CIO with respect to levels of operational maturity.




vCIO Operational Maturity Level 1

The virtual CIO in its most fundamental version is an ad-hoc advisor for IT infrastructure needs. If the general MSP service does not contain this particular service, the service provider needs to have a high-level managerial discussion about the IT infrastructure.

In order to be able to sell higher level projects and services, the delivery could be free advice, or it could be based on a very limited charge. It could be initiated by the vendor (as a solution opportunity), or it could be proposed by someone on the client side (via problems).

This service does not contain any level of regularity nor a disciplined approach, however, year ends and quarter ends could be excellent opportunities for these types of reviews and conversations.

  • Goal: readily available advice on IT infrastructure
  • Regularity: ad-hoc
  • IT/management focus: 80% - 20%
  • Time investment per year: 1-5 hours
  • Challenge: how to charge for the service
  • Value proposition: a better understanding of the infrastructure

vCIO Operational Maturity Level 2

For more mature IT managed services providers, getting only ad-hoc and free advice prevents a business from being profitable. A more structured method is needed to add service to the fixed MSP package.

Remote monitoring and centralized services are a huge step toward efficiency, but limit natural meetings and face time with clients. The motivator for these companies is seeing their trusted advisors more in person.

The structured approach means annual IT roadmap planning and quarterly business reviews. These meetings aim to bring the MSP services to the table and discuss opportunities and problems with company leaders.

The limitation of these services lies in the IT infrastructure focus. The MSP does not concentrate on other aspects of the business — IT solutions, services — but on the IT infrastructure.

  • Goal: create a structured layer of IT infrastructure management
  • Regularity: annual, quarterly
  • IT/management focus: 65% - 35%
  • Time investment per year: 5-10 hours
  • Challenge: to engage the clients in the IT infrastructure conversation
  • Value proposition: to help the client to get more from their infrastructure


vCIO Operational Maturity Level 3

The limitation of the IT infrastructure focus is preventing the MSPs from becoming trusted advisors in both IT and the business. The Quarterly Business Reviews lack client engagement, real business value, and push toward the MSP for an IT infrastructure specialist role when the IT infrastructure becomes a commodity.

MSPs realize that customers need IT management in general because their IT complexity has increased. It has created a void in leadership roles in mid-sized organizations.

To fulfill this role in this maturity level the IT companies detach the vCIO services from the MSP contract and focus. The vCIO service becomes a separate service focusing on the whole IT instead of just on the infrastructure. It is a general management role in the IT discipline rather than a high-level role for the IT infrastructure.

It is a very structured approach to annual, quarterly, monthly, and weekly cycles and processes. The cycles define the roles and services of the vCIO with responsibilities and documentation..

The primary focus of the vCIO is to raise the IT management maturity with policies, regulations, education, and productivity of the system, finding general solutions to the different problems and implementing those accordingly.

  • Goal: help the client take advantage of their current opportunities
  • Regularity: annual, quarterly, monthly, weekly
  • IT/management focus: 50% - 50%
  • Time investment per year: 25-40 hours
  • Challenge: separate the service from the Managed Service contract and mindset
  • Value proposition: help the client utilize IT for business


vCIO Operational Maturity Level 4

This level of maturity of mid-size clients requires a proactive way to leverage IT in order to promote operational efficiency, continuous improvement, and lean operations. These clients need a more IT-savvy, agile workforce. It requires a more mature vCIO service, where the vCIO is focused on process, management, and business. They use IT as a resource in order to build a better company. They take a proactive view of internal and external collaboration, communication, the analysis of process bottlenecks, and the reporting needs of managers. A big part of the job is finding bottlenecks and developing a viable, integrated solution, getting confirmation of the proposal, and implementing the solution.

The vCIO focuses on operational excellence with ongoing and project-based services. This requires more time and business application focus. Though many jobs will be done locally many others are sourced on a global scale, and creating and managing the solutions marketplace is significant.

  • Goal: help the client take advantage of their current opportunities
  • Regularity: annual, quarterly, monthly, weekly
  • IT/management focus: 35% to 65%
  • Time investment per year: 35 to 60 hours
  • Challenges: scale the vCIO service, adjust to the business model
  • Value proposition: to build a better, more efficient company using IT

vCIO Operational Maturity Level 5

In level 5, the objective is to influence the general strategy of the company and gain a competitive edge with technology. A new product line, different sales distribution channel, or game-changing technology are new ways of monetizing company value. It requires extensive industry knowledge, a vertically-related solution stack, and a high level of consultation skills. It focuses on technology and IT-related strategies and therefore has a limited scope and room to play. Usually, knowing what is hot in the world of technology and the implementations of those solutions could leverage opportunities for clients.

The execution is the second issue. Finding opportunities is one thing, however, often these initiatives are hard to manage, involve multiple disciplines, and need substantial project management. That is why at this level the vCIO needs to have greater capacity to deliver value. Most of the time customizations, custom software, and application development are necessary for success as these nascent solutions and products are not yet proven or mature.

On the other hand, to implement and make successful projects, a higher level of IT maturity is needed for the client as well. The vCIO has to educate the company and make sure the general knowledge set is present, so that the team is able to adopt new technologies successfully.

It is the highest possible added value for the business.

  • Goal: give the client a competitive edge with technology
  • Regularity: annual, quarterly, monthly, weekly
  • IT/Management focus: 20% - 80%
  • Time investment per year: 60-120 hours
  • Challenge: focus on technology-related solutions instead of general management
  • Value proposition: competitive edge with technology


Managed services providers have to move sequentially from lower maturity to the highest maturity. It is not possible to start at level 4 without having the practice and experience from the preceding levels. This rule applies to the clients as well. The customer has to be mature enough to be able to adopt projects and initiatives at the higher levels. The higher the maturity, the more vCIO work is needed, not just for the projects, but to manage the documentation, policies, and more complex environment.

The MSP contract has to be separate from the vCIO contract from OML3. If the two services are one, it means the vCIO is MSP-focused, and it is OML2, regardless of the skill set and richness of the service. The biggest hurdle is to move from the OML2 to the OML3. On one hand, it is a separate package, pricing, and service. On the other hand, the business and consultative skills are as important or more than before. This could require new skill sets for the company or extensive education in consultative skills.




Build your MSP with the help of virtual CIO services
Build your MSP with the help of virtual CIO services

Colin Knox is a true entrepreneur in the managed services provider industry. He’s been operating a very mature and well-polished boutique managed services provider in Calgary, Canada.

He’s also been recognized by Penton Technology Group in the ‘MSP Mentor 250’ which lists the best of the best managed service provider executives, entrepreneurs, experts, coaches and community leaders.

Colin’s service philosophy involves helping people grow and to that end giving them a chance to learn and develop into virtual CIOs. His business growth focuses on high level services.

In the interview I tried to learn how he was able to put this together.

I was interested to learn Colin has just exited from the day-to-day operation a couple of months ago and is dedicating his full attention to a very interesting project. I honestly did not realize the full impact of this before our talk.ortance of this before the talk.

If you’re interested in learning the stories and real-life examples from somebody who’s made it, watch the video and grow your business! Then use the 9 decisions worksheet in our MSP 2.0 Virtual CIO Service Delivery Quickstarter Kit to begin your transformation to a modern MSP.




Use the 9 decisions worksheet in our MSP 2.0 vCIO Service Delivery Quickstarter Kit to begin your transformation to a modern MSP. 

What is the one business skill MSP leaders can teach their clients?
What is the one business skill MSP leaders can teach their clients?

Transitioning into the role of trusted advisor can be difficult even to get started. Most MSP leaders are more comfortable discussing technology rather than business. That’s part of the reason we work in IT in the first place. But it’s time to step out of that technology comfort zone.
There must be a way “tech” people can engage in business conversations with non-technical prospects and clients. There is vast opportunity for MSP leaders to leverage their natural business acumen and become trusted advisors, in some specific areas.
One of these often overlooked areas is how to ship or deliver their products and services in a profitable way. Imagine that?! One of the most important yet overlooked aspects of a business is one that defines profitability.
But why is an MSP leader always better here than most of his clients?

If you look at any well-run IT managed services provider, there are plenty of robust, systematized and documented processes in place. Service businesses are built on process management. Service desk, deployment, migration, and communication processes always require tweaking to be stay efficient, and efficiency is vital to a great MSP.

To enhance this process we use tools like PSA, RMM and dashboards full of metrics to quantify health and successful management. If you’re doing this you’re already in the top 1% of MSP leaders.

In all of this you must analyze processes, written process documents, education of your staff and colleagues, and staff metrics and management. Essentially you become a practitioner of business process management.

Most of your clients need that type of knowledge and experience to boost their companies as well. You can use these to kick off the business discussion and show some value in an area that is natural to you.

Now that we know you have the faculty let’s learn how to act as a IT consultant in the conversation. We have a sheet dedicated to “power questions” for this process in our MSP 2.0 Quickstarter Kit.

Try this: setup a meeting with one of your clients and focus on just one business area, using some of the power questions in the Quickstarter Kit. Choose something like sales, operations, logistics or procurement. Ask about their processes and procedures, where they feel they excel and where they struggle. I bet you can find a technology solution related to the latter. Don’t take my word for it, just try it. Have fun.