Having been inspired by the business model canvas, we started our own IT Management Canvas almost three years ago. We’re thrilled to see how creatively people adopt the canvas with the related questionnaire and instigate vibrant client engagement. Through our development of vCIO and IT Security related assessments, the new canvases have been born. Let's check out the revision of the original IT management Canvas, the IT Security Canvas and the vCIO Canvas.
4 min read
3 Best IT reports for MSPs looking to better communicate with clients
By Denes Purnhauser on Jun 20, 2016
Topics: vCIO IT Sales Person MSP Virtual CIO CIO IT Consultative Sales Managed Services Platform
5 min read
Scaling up your MSP with Verne Harnish
By Denes Purnhauser on Mar 31, 2016
We are continuing the “MSP 2.0 bestseller” series in March, as well. No question, one of my all time personal favorite books is Mastering the Rockefeller Habits from Verne Harnish. It helped me to apply the paradigm of “work on your business instead of in your business”. For many Managed Services Provider leaders this book has been a foundation to building their businesses. He’s followed this with his new book Scaling Up - Mastering the Rockefeller Habits 2.0. I had a chat with him about the required steps for Managed Services Providers to stay on top of their business and to start Scaling Up!
Verne is straight to the point, so put on your seat belts and get your notepad open, this is going to be a high-paced trip!
Topics: vCIO IT Sales Person Managed Services Providers MSP Marketing for IT Companies MSP Bestseller Series
1 min read
What is your pink cable?
By Denes Purnhauser on Mar 16, 2016
This is a motif that’s had some traffic in the last few weeks in several situations, coming up in conversations about differentiation, going the extra mile, remarkable service, engaging clients, building a brand and the use of stories in this business.
One of our managed services provider clients told us a story about a fashion design client in Los Angeles with fashion conscious California team members. The office is artistically designed of course, with bricks, standing desks and an open cafeteria with bar tables. Lots of nice, creative radiant people having lattés while working makes this the place where techs are making up reasons to go every day.
He had some work out there and got inspired by the environment to get expressive, so he bought pink cables instead of the boring black ones.
He was just having fun. He didn’t predict the result...
Topics: vCIO IT Sales Person Managed Services Providers IT Management MSP
6 min read
4 Disciplines of MSP Service Development
By Denes Purnhauser on Mar 4, 2016
One of the most under-appreciated success factors of an MSP is its capacity to develop services. We’re the purveyors of Managed Services; there are hundreds in the repertoire of any given MSP. This keeps us busy - going from concept to a product that can be sold and delivered is a long road. While product based companies have a process for product development, we service companies too often overlook the value in this powerful business practice, where all our innovation, differentiation, profitability and growth can be formulated in advance.
The trend of fragmentation in services - into verticals, delivery tools, integrations - just multiplies the need for planned process.
The usual development process for managed services providers is to do a project - develop something that solves a problem for (and with) a specific client and standardize it later. This can lead to long term future revenue, but without a clear process mixing up service development and the real revenue generating activity of the company will not only kill our internal productivity, but likely our relationship with the client, if everything they see is always in beta testing.
Let’s identify some basics to ensure our process is better than the average and pull ahead of the competition.
Topics: vCIO IT Sales Person IT Management MSP Demand Generation for IT Companies Marketing for IT Companies Virtual CIO IT Consultative Sales
7 min read
6 strategies to make MSP services more tangible
By Denes Purnhauser on Feb 26, 2016
One of the most common and largest hurdles for MSPs is difficulty expressing our value proposition properly, and hence differentiating ourselves.
There are two fundamental aspects of our industry responsible. First is the abstract nature of the proposition. The problems we solve are less tangible, like “competitive edge” or “staying ahead of the curve” rather than “keeping the lights on”. The second is the more managerial and higher level services such as solution selection, and team alignment and integration rather than executable defined processes like device management and remote monitoring.
Topics: vCIO Managed Services Providers Business Building for IT Companies MSP Virtual CIO CIO
4 min read
Trending Topics in the MSP 2.0 Peer groups
By Denes Purnhauser on Feb 19, 2016
A few months ago we started sessions of real peer groups, to get people together to discuss real issues, problems and challenges we’re all facing and hopefully to come up with some individual plans that boost the accountability of process execution. From these I’ve compiled a list of topics that are front-of-mind among participants. I can report that the discussions dealt with the problems in a very forward looking manner, with creative solutions and not stuck in status-quo thinking. In my opinion these sessions are giving a unique insight into where the industry is going.
Topics: vCIO Managed Services Providers IT Management Virtual Chief Information Officer MSP Virtual CIO CIO
2 min read
Teams vs individuals for IT management roles
By Denes Purnhauser on Feb 11, 2016
Baby boomers, Gen X, Millenials: the different generations in the workplace set some challenges for IT leaders and service providers as well. Who’s best suited for the vCIO role?
I came across an illuminating infographic in the last week that discusses the different strengths and weaknesses involved in these demographics.
Topics: vCIO IT Management Virtual Chief Information Officer MSP Virtual CIO CIO
3 min read
Quick calculation formula for vCIO opportunities
By Denes Purnhauser on Feb 5, 2016
The other day I made some calculation with a client about vCIO services. Fortunately it is very easy to calculate your opportunity in creating a profitable and scalable vCIO service offering.
We’ve simplified things for faster calculation, but it’s good to clearly understand what’s at stake. We see three categories in which we can lose or earn money.
Topics: vCIO Virtual Chief Information Officer MSP Virtual CIO CIO
7 min read
The Fall of the Era of Free IT Advice
By Denes Purnhauser on Jan 21, 2016
Many IT managed services providers (MSPs) and internet telephony service providers (ITPs) are suffering the challenges of charging for IT consultation. The IT industry has taught its customers that we sell big expensive boxed packages that come with free consultation, placing the value in the big boxes and none in the advice. There are no big expensive boxes anymore, but still the advice remains free. However a systemic shift is taking shape finally reversing this conundrum. It is about offering low-cost SaaS applications and solutions with high-grade consultation fees, placing more value in the advice rather than the tool.
Topics: vCIO IT Management Virtual Chief Information Officer IT Sales MSP Virtual CIO CIO IT Consultative Sales
2 min read
Execute your IT Strategy: interview with Gary Harpst
By Denes Purnhauser on Jan 15, 2016
We are continuing the “MSP 2.0 bestseller” series in January, as well. The pick for this month is Gary Harpst - Six Disciplines of Excellence. Gary has been a part of the IT industry since being the founder of the well known ERP solution Solomon Software that was sold to Great Plains then to Microsoft. After the acquisition he shifted his focus to one question: how to help companies to execute their strategies. He has put together a very solid methodology in a program called “Six Disciplines” and written a book about this topic. This book is in my top 10 business books and has changed my way of thinking. I was privileged to meet him in person and have a long talk about these challenges.
Topics: vCIO Managed Services Providers Business Building for IT Companies MSP MSP Bestseller Series
15 min read
7 Requirements for a Scalable vCIO Offering
By Denes Purnhauser on Jan 11, 2016
The MSP 2.0 model is catching fire around the world. Many MSPs have already started to design, sell and deliver vCIO services. Adding $2.000 - $4000 of vCIO monthly recurring revenue (MRR) to a current 40 seat $5000 MSP MRR is now doable but requires some preparation. We’re going to take a look at the requirements (which can be easily overlooked) of the delivery to make sure we make it profitable.
All seven requirements center around a common set of principles: realizable expectations, efficiency in execution, excellent communication, and transparency.
Let's see the requirements one by one:
Topics: vCIO IT Management Virtual Chief Information Officer MSP Virtual CIO CIO
2 min read
Transform your MSP sales approach
By Denes Purnhauser on Dec 8, 2015
Branden Baker, President of Integration Technologies from Hawaii is a modern Tom Selleck. He shares a story about the transformation of his IT sales approach.
His team had not been able to close any managed services provider deals for more than a year. But he got involved in the virtual CIO conversation and after only a few weeks he landed his first monster six-figure deal.