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Proactive Customer Development: Leverage your QBRs
By Denes Purnhauser on May 5 2015
Most IT managed services providers are quite proud of how proactive they are, especially in terms of technical services like maintenance, antivirus, warranty, etc. However, if we look at their client's IT savvy, operational maturity, and IT enablement, this is less true. Here are four easy tips to leverage Quarterly Business Reviews and implement the proactive mindset on a higher level.
If you do Quarterly Business Reviews (QBRs), you can start working on these items immediately. If you’re not familiar with the term, just imagine you’re sitting down with your clients regularly for an informative and engaging business meeting.
1. Preparation for the QBRs
Skip the infrastructure based preparation for now. Let's concentrate on their business instead. Check their industry, and consult with a couple of people...try to understand their pressing needs right now. It can be sales, marketing, cash flow, internal processes, anything that is not IT. For an easy introduction to this conversation let's use the business conversation tool from our free MSP 2.0 Quickstarter Kit.
Here’s an example: check their LinkedIn profile. Is everybody from the sales department using LinkedIn? How many connections do they have? There’s a chance they are not big on business social media. Let's download some intelligence about LinkedIn and social selling and put together a 5 minute session for the QBR.
Let’s add more: look for Slack as an online collaboration hype. Sidekick is a nice sales automation tool out there. Check out for managing better meetings. Let's put those items on the agenda as HOT products... see what they think and have a conversation.
Sooner or later they are going to read about these software somewhere. If they get important IT based information from somewhere else, our position is redundant. We have to be the center of relevant knowledge on business IT.
2. Implement a killer agenda
Prepare a real agenda. Send it before the meeting, leave room for curiosity, and plan for it to be 60-90 minutes. Use and demonstrate a well-organized meeting with a kick-ass tool. Put business issues into the agenda like "Suggested solutions for pressing needs: sales, marketing, cash flow." Include items to ensure we do not just talk, but act: "Clarifying the deliverables for the next Quarterly Plan," or "Review of IT Productivity Initiative."
It may even sometimes sound trivial, but you need to present it with a proactive mindset. We do not want them to have to ask us about training their users, or what is hot out there. We have to act before they find out about so many opportunities they could leverage from somebody else. We need to be the fountain of great information. Keep in mind you can use this one agenda, with custom modifications, for every client for the given quarter.
3. Forget Bomb reports
Bomb reports and infrastructure reports are fading into the past. Now we are on top of the game, and they should not have any critical issue with support. It can be mentioned in passing that every possible gauge is green and not to worry. They are paying us to keep them green. Don’t forget that customer behavior, motivation and problem awareness has changed dramatically. There are still of course companies out there without decent infrastructure. For them the traditional IT reports are a must, educating them and setting expectations. But sooner or later we solve those problems so we have to move forward. If their IT maturity grows, we have to adjust our reports as well.
There is a better way to use business type gauges: Graders, and Opportunity Sheets. These tools put together checklists on clients’ use of best practices, processes, and so on. We just check whether they are being used, and we can come to a conclusion whether they are working effectively.
For example, we check for productivity and ask about emails, best practices, file sharing, searching for documents, version control, etc. In just a few minutes they have a grade on a scale from 1-5. If they are missing three points then we let them know we should have a talk. Believe me, they’ll be much more interested in that than in expiring warranties and quotes for the replacement of devices that are working fine.
4. Campaigns to release peer pressure
Prepare for a campaign every quarter and your MSP sales and development goals can skyrocket. Imagine this: June is the month of security. We do benchmarks sets for every client who signs up as well as teach best practices, prevention for users, basic safety guidelines, and do a Disaster Recovery Plan with 30% discount.
The idea is to make sure everybody is on board. It’s easier to make it a campaign and do 10 DRPs with a discounted rate rather than selling individually. Also, it is easier to communicate the campaign through emails, and brochures.
Every month or every quarter, you need some unique flavor to show them your skills.
If you are a pro, you can create batched events for that. For example, classroom training, seminars for managers, users among your clients, launch-and-learn sessions for executives. Let's lead the community. When people see their peers working on the same things, they can feel more urgency to take action, and are often more actively involved in solving the problems rather than just discussing them..
Change the conversation: be proactive about their business, not just their IT infrastructure. Let's move and shake them every quarter and create a community of IT savvy executives who you can lead to progress. If you do, your client base will give you the necessary growth without extraordinary new customer acquisitions, and your referral engine will fire all cylinders!
The Hard Truth: network assessments can end up as an MSP's worst enemy
By Denes Purnhauser on May 15 2014
Most IT managed services providers are heavily dependent on some form of network assessment practice during their MSP sales process. They gather information on all the prospect’s devices, identify problems and performance-related issues, and then present a comprehensive report, with an action plan that aims to fix those problems.
Although this practice can surely help win over new clients, it also can be the single most important obstacle they face down the road, in terms of further work with them.
The mistake is that the network assessment puts the MSP into the "techy slot". This is a matter of the client's perspective; executives put potential vendors into this slot to make their busy livese easier and simplify their world. There are slots in the executives' minds for many things: roles as consultant, service provider, software company or industry, HR, IT, or accounting.
There are also varying levels of importance to them: high (business-related), medium (operations), low (support), and of accessibility, such as the scarce/premium, easy to access, and commodities. So for IT providers to excel now in the industry, they should seek a business-related consultant slot where there are high levels of scarcity, rather than staying in the IT slot, as a service provider, low-level support or commodity slot.
The untold story is that these first impressions are very difficult to change later on. Once the deal is made with us pegged in the tech slot, it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy; instead of being judged on our experience and skills, we are sold short by common perception. If they see that our company is professional only on low-tech ground work, then they’ll subscribe to only low-level tech services, and we’ll of course perform those eminently well, securing their perception. A negative outcome of a positive feedback loop - closed. Done. Locked for eternity.
That’s why a different first impression is crucial. (There’s no second chance at a first impression.) If providers cannot manage this first impression, they could be dropped into a slot from which there is no way out. It is the slot we could call "the deadly tech slot." This isn’t what the network assessment is supposed to do - relegating us to the lowest possible category in the mind of our potential clients and a role as a low-tech solution provider.
Ok, I admit I’ve never actually heard any IT service provider complaining that they’re in the tech slot. They proudly purport that they’re in the business / trusted advisor slot. However we all know the difference between how one is seen and how one thinks one is seen. The fact is that there is a high chance that the client's perception is completely different than your company thinks.
Obviously, no one wants to be in the "tech slot" nowadays. It limits potential growth opportunities, control of the client, influence on decisions, profitability, and so on. Everybody wants to be a high-level outsourced IT executive and IT department for their clients. So then why and how it is happening anyway during the network assessment process?
1. Having the wrong conversation
First of all, the network assessment is driving the wrong conversation. It centers around technology-based, device-based, and tech-based ideas...about the flaws and risks and reactionary firefighting solutions.
This is a hot topic for the provider, but C-level decision makers usually don’t much care. They want a conversation about how to go from good to great, but instead are dragged into one about how to go from lame to mediocre.
The cause? The network assessment leads only to the service provider's concerns instead of the client's. There is no business-relevant context; only the "IT benchmarks" of mostly irrelevant artificial metrics that skirt around what the focus should be.
2. Causing the Wrong Client Feeling
Detailing to the clients how badly they’re performing puts them in a defensive position and thus puts the solution provider into an offensive light. The report can show that the clients have little control over their poor decisions, unwise expenditures, and weak ideas in the field, so they can easily feel backed into a corner.
They may even think it irrelevant - they already know they could be doing better, why do they need to sit through this - so they may not carry the conversation any further. Or when they do go through with the "investment" it’s because they’re frightened out of their comfort zones regarding potential risks, etc.
Thus, the decision is not motivated by will and vision, but by pressure, which easily fades away after the tension eases. These emotions are not ideal on which to build a relationship. Moreover, such feelings can misguide the provider about a sudden quick win-- they can sense huge opportunities that actually do not exist.
3. Creating the Wrong Environment:
The wrong environment does not help to carry business conversations and enable positive insights about the company. It does not focus on hope, enthusiasm, optimism, or growth—the typical entrepreneurial values. The environment our clients should be given is one where they can brainstorm... about the company, future projects, improvements, etc.
If we’re not encouraging a creative, "think big" environment, there will be no major projects, improvements, or developments. Only cost will matter; they will invest as little as possible because they don’t see the real value in what we can offer. They focus on problems, (most of them artificial) and how to fix them, rather than on how to invest in the future and create a compelling vision together.
How to fix this process - to change the game by creating the business context first.
Put the network assessment aside for a while, until we have created our image as business partners. It will remain a crucial element of the process, but not define the process itself. We must create the business context around the IT, and then the IT context around all the IT-related activities that the network assessment can measure.
1. Building the business context:
We need to act as IT consultants, using techniques consultants use to acquire clients. We have to be curious about the non-IT-related fields, such as how they grow, their customer challenges, and how their industry is changing. Not in a small-talk way, but with comprehensive, tough, thought-provoking conversations.
This will push us out of our comfort zone a bit, but relax! As a fellow business owner, you have more in common than you might think. Asking questions, actively listening, and not giving any advice up front are all key.
Peel the onion; dig deeper into the why. In this way we’ll create trust and understanding. Believe me, very few companies are doing that, so the client will be delighted to talk with you. You’re going to be a very rare breed; a scarce resource to find.
2. Building the IT execution context:
Once we understand their business context, only then can we drive the conversation toward the technology field: the leadership of IT, the people inside, the users, the company actually seeing their devices, watching how they use them, discovering their personal goals, etc.
Here, the critical element is to find out why they may have IT challenges, how they are operating, who is responsible for the field, and what other duties or priorities they may have. What is the level of their operation maturity? We have to understand the management issues or problems that can cause mediocre IT performance. We have to assure them that we have a complete view of what they’re facing.
We see the root of the poor decisions they might have made, as well as the problems they face right now, so we’re starting from the very top, from the very core of the business, and most importantly, we’re considering the individual motivations. After clarifying their IT context, we can then do the network assessment to get a clear picture about the specific problems and situation.
The result of the process:
After gathering all the business context discovery experience, and having all the IT execution discovery experience, we’re going to see the results of the network assessment completely differently, and we won’t concentrate on problems and challenges or create fear and bad feelings in the clients.
Instead, we’re going to focus on the big picture and the potential opportunities to make their company more productive: the benefits of our initiatives and a positive picture which will be much more likely to engage them. We can and must use our existing discovery tools, but only after we’ve created the context of our presence. This is what we call the reframing sales process, where we can change the game.