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Jamison West

Jamison struggled watching new cloud-based technologies bypass his IT Services firm and his clients. Revenues and margins were being driven lower and the ability to provider higher value services was a struggle under the legacy infrastructure model. Jamison embraced the commoditization of modern cloud infrastructure and utilized that model to layer in much higher-value services to his clients, resulting in stable, or even increased, revenue and margins across his organization.

Recent posts by Jamison West

2 min read

What does EOS have to do with becoming a Cloud Service Provider

By Jamison West on Jul 25, 2019

I'm talking to you today because I've been getting a lot of questions about why I've been so focused on EOSTM (Entrepreneurial Operating System) and then other strategic methodologies and all of these teachings that I've been bringing to you regarding shifting from a traditional managed service provider to becoming a Cloud Service Provider (CCSP). And what I've realized as I've worked with different clients is that one shoe doesn't fit all...

Topics: Implement New IT Services Cloud Services
