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Derek Marin

Derek’s agency, Simple Selling, helps MSPs dominate their region by running outbound sales and marketing behind the scenes for them. His team generates an average of 4 qualified appointments per month. Before the agency, he was an inbound marketing consultant at HubSpot, where he coached hundreds of marketing agencies on inbound, automation and SEO.

Recent posts by Derek Marin

2 min read

Make Your MSP Blog a IT Sales Tool

By Derek Marin on Sep 6, 2019

Okay, you just exchanged business cards with the owner of an accounting firm during a chamber event. 

He said, “Sure, let’s plan on meeting some time over the next 2 weeks.

Awesome! You left the event with a qualified lead! Plus, he agreed to meet and he already shook your hand. 

The problem, because we all know it’s never that easy, is that there’s a delay. You couldn’t ask him much of anything, and nevermind describing what makes your MSP unique.

There’s no set date for the appointment, and who knows, he may bump into a competitor or research online in the next 10 days!

So, what do we do now?

Topics: Managed Services Providers Inbound Marketing for IT Companies IT Sales MSP Demand Generation for IT Companies Marketing for IT Companies IT Consultative Sales Win New Clients
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