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When we looked back on 2021, we felt great. We were starting to come out of the pandemic, had just acquired Managed Services Platform, and were beginning on a rebrand. When we looked ahead to 2022, we had no idea what it was going to look like. We wondered how we would be able to hit all our goals.

Well, we can confidently say that 2022 has been nothing short of spectacular.


Save the Day with Better Conversations

We started out in 2022 feeling very optimistic. Humanize IT began to grow rapidly, which resulted in us changing our culture. We got accepted into the PitchIT program – a huge accomplishment for our business. Humanize IT also reached our 200th podcast episode, after which we saw our stats skyrocket like crazy. And, of course, we can’t leave out our unforgettable trip to IT Nation.

IT Nation has been declared Skip’s highlight of 2022. It was a cumulative event for which we spent many hours working hard to prepare for it. We set goals for ourselves to have product elements in production by the time we hit the showroom floor, complete certifications and regulatory and compliance elements of the business, and have our new team members trained and up to speed. It helped us to feel solidified in many aspects of the business. Though IT Nation was but one week of the year, it brought so many elements of our organization together. As Skip stated, history will tell, but there’s a good chance that we will look back on 2022 (and IT Nation specifically) and see it as a milestone for Humanize IT.

As for myself, it was a highlight to see our preparedness come together. This preparedness started in 2021, when we launched the dashboard. We wanted to show people what the new direction was now that we had merged Virtual C and Humanize IT. A software roadmap was a big goal to have done in April 2021, and once it was completed, we received a large cash influx that helped other things play out.

This year, we started running with the roadmap faster than we originally thought we would. We were also in PitchIT and had been working on our event certification as well as rebranding our marketing. We had a whole bunch of things on the table at once, and it was great to see them synergize.

It’s not that we got lucky – we had well-planned ideas and were positioned in a way to take advantage of those ideas once they manifested. Preparedness is opportunity. Some people just get lucky, and yeah, we do have some luck. But you get luckier when you strategize and move deliberately. If we had not built the dashboard in 2021, we wouldn’t have gotten a lot of the ideas for 2022. If we weren’t ready to consume that cash we earned in 2021, Humanize IT would have just fizzled.

One of the lessons we learned this year is that presence is everything. When you’re present, people can see you and talk to you and shake your hand. They can more easily say, “I know that person.” I’ll admit, Humanize IT has been bad about being present. So, in 2023, we are going to double down on going to events and being active. We have our marketing swag ready, our materials ready – all we need to do is get out there!

We’re ready to drive in 2023. We are excited to say that we have one last major feature to present that will pull everything together. It’s brand new to the MSP world, and is the inevitable next step to MSP delivery.

Humanize IT fully believes that we will look back at 2022 and say that this was the year when everything changed. 2023 will be the year when we really execute our strategy and culture. 

Where are we going to be when we do our year-in-review next year? I’m excited to find out.

Happy Holidays and have a great New Year!

You can also listen to our podcast on Spotify and Apple Podcasts. Please follow us on your favorite medium for more great advice.



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