This is a motif that’s had some traffic in the last few weeks in several situations, coming up in conversations about differentiation, going the extra mile, remarkable service, engaging clients, building a brand and the use of stories in this business.
One of our managed services provider clients told us a story about a fashion design client in Los Angeles with fashion conscious California team members. The office is artistically designed of course, with bricks, standing desks and an open cafeteria with bar tables. Lots of nice, creative radiant people having lattés while working makes this the place where techs are making up reasons to go every day.
He had some work out there and got inspired by the environment to get expressive, so he bought pink cables instead of the boring black ones.
He was just having fun. He didn’t predict the result...
Differentiate yourself from your competition and
become sales ready in 30 days
The reaction was extraordinary. The whole staff gathered quickly, coming out from their offices telling each other “hey check this out”. He was surrounded by people in no time, inspired by his one little choice.
This is the kind of situation service entrepreneurs dream about.
From “the IT guy” he became an instant star of customer care and known for remarkable service. He got everyone’s attention and for a little while IT became the important thing. Not because of well designed backup, virtual servers or smooth applications, but because of a set of pink cables.
This was instant differentiation from the rest of the IT companies sniffing around, make him the lovable service provider who cares. He became part of the team instead of being a cost line item in the books.
I like this story…. It tells a lot.
The ultimate question you should be able to answer with your team is the following:
What is your Pink Cable?
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