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Microsoft 365 cloud services

On this interview Rich Anderson (Imagine IT) and Adam Walter (Virtual C) talk about leveraging Microsoft 365 for business discussions, differentiation and as a platform for growth.

Rich Anderson has been successfully validating the opportunities behind Microsoft 365 discovery processes and cloud services. Adam has built a remarkable audit process for turning productivity issues into projects.



Check out the chat if you're interested in these innovations:

  • Imagine IT used Microsoft 365 IT Audits as door openers where a traditional MSP pitch did not work
  • monetize Microsoft 365 related deployment, education and adoption services
    expand business discussions and services beyond the owners and make it a scalable process
  • take control of personal, team and business productivity for your clients
  • design projects and services that harvest the low hanging fruit with your clients and prospects
  • position yourself as a business partner and differentiate your offering from your competition
  • get your clients up to speed by proactively using Microsoft 365 products with them

Click on the image to see the complete report


Related Solution Sets

There are three different versions of Solution Sets available for helping you to monetize Microsoft 365 cloud services.


MSP to Cloud Centric Service Provider

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